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常见疾病预防 Part one: infectious diseases A, HIV/AIDS (1) common sense of AIDS AIDS is a serious infectious disease with an extremely high fatality rate. There is no cure or cure, but it can be prevented. AIDS is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, blood and mother and child. HIV/AIDS is not affected by the daily lives and work of people living with HIV and AIDS. The essential measure to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS through sexual means is to be clean and self-loving. Using condoms correctly not only can prevent birth control, but also reduce the risk of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Early treatment and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases can reduce the risk of HIV infection. Sharing syringes is an important way to spread AIDS, so resist drugs and cherish life. Avoid unnecessary blood transfusions and injections of blood and blood products tested by HIV antibodies. Caring, helping and not discriminating against HIV/AIDS patients and HIV infection are important aspects of prevention and control of AIDS. AIDS is a threat to everyone and every family, and to prevent AIDS is a societys responsibility. (2) methods and measures to prevent AIDS: AIDS is an extremely dangerous infectious disease, but it is completely preventable for individuals. The main measures are: Obey the laws and morals, jie love itself, oppose premarital sex, and oppose the disorder. Do not engage in illegal activities such as prostitution and prostitution. Dont take drugs in any way, away from drugs. Dont use untested blood products to reduce unnecessary blood transfusions. Not to sterilize the lax medical establishment, tooth extraction, acupuncture, beauty or surgery. Dont share a toothbrush and shave. Avoid the blood of the injured in daily work and life. Correct use of condoms according to experience abroad can help prevent HIV infection. If you have an STD, you should be treated promptly and actively, otherwise the risk of HIV infection will be increased. Second, the


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