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奶牛产后瘫痪的病因与综合防治 The causes of postpartum paralysis and comprehensive prevention Abstract: postpartum paralysis is one of the common diseases in the dairy farming industry. Good control is the key. In this paper, from a low blood calcium, the cerebral cortex of oxygen, such as improper cows feeding Angle on the causes of the disease comprehensive review, and the treatment and prevention measures are put forward. Keywords: cow; Postpartum paralysis; Low blood calcium; The prevention and treatment of I have had three cases of cow paralysis during my internship at the triplex milo cow farming cooperative. Postpartum paralysis is one of the cows happened before and after childbirth common nutrition metabolic disease, clinical manifestations of the muscle weakness, mainly walking instability, often cant afford to lay down, or even a quadriplegic or coma. It usually occurs in a high yielding cow with a good condition, 3-6. The incidence of the practice was 2-3%. In the early stages of the disease, the cattle do not eat, and frequently lie, and the hind limbs of the two hind legs frequently change their hoofs, and the muscles of the limbs are trembly, and the gait is unstable. Along with the development of the course of the disease, suffering from cows lay down, head often turn to one side, a serious risk of cattle are swimming two hind legs, rumen peristalsis slow, coxal muscle tremors apparently, after flooding the body pain, temperature is 37.5 38.5 ℃, heart rate, 100-120 times/min, the body temperature will gradually to 36 ℃ below. The disease can cause local muscle ischemic necrosis if not in time. It may even cause death, which seriously affects the economic benefits of dairy farming. In order to effectively control and prevention and treatment of the disease, reduce the damage to go to, improving economic efficiency of milk cow industry is reviewed in this paper, the cause of the disease, analyze the factors in postpartum paralysis, and comprehensive prevention and c


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