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披着健康外衣的十大垃圾食品2 To return to UC desktop UC information center - fashion - womens top 10 junk food in a healthy coat Grains such as rice and oats have been the most important food for humans. They contain proteins, dietary fiber, and vitamins that no other food can match. However, some with a small number of cereal and plenty of starch, sugar, corn syrup, salt, edible pigment and preservatives combined to produce colored breakfast cereals, make these grains nutrients is reduced greatly. pizza In Italy, pizza and are protected by the laws, regulations must be whole wheat flour, tomato sauce, mozzarella, olive oil, basil spices, etc. Pizza is inherently nutritious. Many fast food chains are selling pizza, USES the preservative, cheap synthetic fat, no nutritious canned fruit, can be frozen meat for a long time, there are a lot of salt... These pizza are very high in calories and sodium and are not worth the nutritional value. Green tea drinks Green tea contains antioxidants and other healthy ingredients that can prevent cancer, heart disease, aging and other age-related diseases. But now many manufacturers are adding sugar and other additives to make green tea drinks and selling them in the guise of health drinks. In fact, any of the ingredients on the green tea bottle, such as saccharin and preservatives, make it far from us in health. Fat and animal intestines Fat and animal innards kind of food contains a certain amount of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals, but which contains lots of saturated fat and cholesterol, has been identified as causes of heart disease is the most important two types of dietary factors. Long-term eating lots of animal innards kind of food can be positive, greatly increased cardiovascular diseases and malignancies, such as colon cancer, breast cancer risk. Barbecue food During the barbecue, the maillard reaction happens. As the fragrance spread, the vitamin was damaged, the protein changed, and amino acids were destroyed, affecting


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