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失眠、落枕、眩晕或是颈椎病惹的祸 Insomnia, pillow, dizziness or cervical spondylosis The neck is small, but it covers everything from bone marrow, nerves, vertebral artery and sympathetic nerves. If they are oppressed by one of their fellow citizens, they will be united in their collective protest. So, jiusheng yuxin pharmacy experts warm warning, insomnia, head down, dizziness or cervical spondylosis! Chronic insomnia is a disease of the cervical spondylosis In hot summer days, it is a good thing to sleep with air conditioner. However, wu was not enjoying himself. According to netease news reports, master wu always feel strange neck shoulder ache at night, interfere with his dream, many times to see insomnia physician doesnt work, to professional neck lumbar disease hospital out cervical spondylosis was in trouble. The expert reminds: patients with cervical spondylosis disorders can lead to muscle stiffness and soreness, difficult to fall asleep, but most patients think is the older, poor sleep quality is a normal phenomenon, are often able to shrug off, but this may be caused by cervical spondylosis. He is on the alert for cervical spondylosis Recently, a young woman after morning rises for three consecutive days feel neck pain, neck stiffness, head that freedom is limited to the hospital seeing a doctor, on diagnosis was found, neck stiffness was repeatedly because of cervical spondylosis. The expert reminds, when morpheus neck posture inappropriate or improper pillow height can easily lead to neck stiffness, left side of the neck muscles, joints and ligaments from excessive pull over a long period of time, causing acute soft tissue injury, but neck stiffness not just happening in the sleep, the if suffering from cervical spondylosis or cervical joint disorder, etc. Also easy cause repeated cause neck stiffness. The repeated head of the pillow should be aware of the cervical spondylosis. Vertigo or cervical spondylosis Health network reported, a more than 20 years old young man


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