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1 5S实践游戏 1 5S实践游戏 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5S实践游戏 5S心得 改善名 工具放置5S改善----整理、整顿 改善前 改善后 改善点 工具与其它物品混放,并且油污严重,杂、乱、脏! 效果 制作工具悬挂板,并规划工具的放置位置,使用时可减少寻找时间。 5S改善案例 改善名 物料箱放置5S改善-----整理、整顿 改善前 改善后 改善点 物品摆放混乱,无标示线划分管理,清洁工具用完后没有归位 效果 划分标示线进行区域管理,物料分类摆放整齐,清洁工具用完后及时归位 5S改善案例 改善名 工作台面5S改善-----清扫、清洁、素养 改善前 改善后 改善点 工作台面的物品有划分区域管理,人员离岗后,物品未放置在规划区域。 效果 进行清扫、清洁,让工作台保持干净整洁,养成良好习惯。 5S改善案例 5S实践案例---Office 5S实践案例---Office 5S实践案例---Office 5S实践案例---工作房 5S实践案例---工作房 5S实践案例---工作房 收 获 Now, let’s implement Seiso or Shine and see if we can further improve our performance metric. First, we constructed a table with spaces for all forty-nine numbers and got rid of the racks. We also modified the font, size and arrangement of the numbers to make them easier to read and more pleasing to view. Let’s count the numbers again and see what kind of effect Seiso or Shine has on our performance metric. When you and the timer are ready, Click on the continue icon. Now, let’s calculate the percent improvement between the old process and the new 5S process. For demonstration purposes, let’s say it took 55 seconds using the old process and three seconds using the 5S process. First, determine the difference between the old and new processes. Then, divide the difference by the old process and multiply the quotient by 100 percent to obtain the percent improvement. As your calculations will show, the new 5S process is a vast improvement when compared to the old process. Electronic Manufacturing Services Electronic Manufacturing Services Electronic Manufacturing Services Electronic Manufacturing Services Electronic Manufacturing Services Electronic Manufacturing Services Electronic Manufacturing Services 5 S 培训教材 什么是5S ?--起源于日本 素养 Shitsuke 整理 Seiri 整顿 Seiton 清扫 Seisou 清洁 Seiketsu 5S 区分“要用”与“不用”的物品 定位,每样物品都有它自己的位置。 彻底清扫每样物品 维持前3S效果,使用颜色、标签等进行可视化管理 。 自律,养成良好习惯 整理 整顿 清扫 清洁 素养 5个S之间的关系?


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