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PERCEPTION OF RIDE The final assessment of ride vibrations must deal with the issue of how ride is perceived. For that purpose, one must first attempt to define ride. Ride is asubjective perception, normally associated with the level of comfort experienced when traveling in a vehicle. Therefore, in its broadest sense ,the perceived ride is the cumulative product of many factors. The tactile vibrations transmitted to the passenger’s body through the seat, and at the hands and feet, are the factors most commonly associated with ride. Yet it is often difficult to separate the influences of acoustic vibrations(noise)in the perception of ride, especially since noise types and levels are usually highly correlated with other vehicle vibrations. Additionally, the general comfort level can be influenced by seat design and its fit to the passenger, temperature, ventilation, interior space, hand holds, and many other factors. These factors many all contribute to what might be termed the “ride quality” of a vehicle. Some of the above factors, such as vibrations, can be measured objectively, while others, such as seat comfort are still heavily dependent on subjective evaluation methods. To further complicate matters, the interactions between factors are not well established. For example, it is the author’s experience that tolerance for vibration in a truck often can be drastically reduced if the passenger space provisions do not allow room for body movement without contacting hard points on the vehicle interior. Tolerance to Sest Vibrations The judgment of ride vibration in a vehicle is still an area of controversy in the automotive community. As a starting point it is instructive to look at research findings from the scientific community relating to human tolerance for vibration. A brief state-of-th


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