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旅游文本翻译 韶关 韶关是历史文化名城,她山清水秀,是一个三面环山的“盆底”形城市,在军事上有“一夫当关,万夫莫开”的险势;在商贸上则是“一吏当关,万物难出”,各种商品货物,均有东、西、北三关把守,后来商贾们就将这里称为韶关。 historic and cultural city with picturesque scenery. The city proper is located in a basin, surrounded on three sides by mountains. Militarily, the forbidding terrain makes it a natural fortress that would stand impregnable to massive enemy assaults. In ancient times, shipment of goods via Shaoguan proved extremely difficult due to three tollgates set up on the old city’s northern, eastern and western borders to monitor entry and exit of merchandise. Thus merchants began to refer to the city as “Shaoguan”, as “guan” in the name suggests “tollgate”. 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 ? 字典 - 查看字典详细内容 韶关历史悠久,源远流长。早在13万年前,人类祖先就在这一带繁衍生息,躬耕劳作。举世闻名的“马坝人”,便是因其在韶关马坝发现而得名。 Shaoguan is a time honored place, where human ancestors began to live and till the soil as early as 130,000 years ago. The well-known primitive hominid Maba Man was so named because his fossil remains were discovered at Maba, a town in Shaoguan.  韶关地处山区,自然风光秀丽。加之韶关是一个多民族聚居的地区,因而当地的旅游景观十分多姿多彩,是广东和京广线的旅游中心之一。 “多民族”怎么译??multi-racial/?multi-national/multi-ethnic “旅游景观”实际的所指是什么?能译成tourism landscape/tourist landscape吗? Situated in a mountainous region, Shaoguan is blessed with natural beauty. Moreover, since it is inhabited by several ethnic groups, its rich tourism resources are all the more diversified. Shaoguan is now a major tourism destination both in Guangdong province and along the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway line. 韶关有国家级风景名胜区、世界地质公园丹霞山,佛教禅宗六祖惠能弘扬南宗禅法的发祥地、全国重点寺庙南华寺,国家级自然保护区车八岭,全国重点文物保护单位马坝人遗址、石峡遗址狮子岩,国家级自然保护区、广东保存最完好的原始森林南岭,有“地下宫殿”之称的古佛岩,全国保存最完好的古驿道—梅岭古道,珠江三角洲居民的发祥地“珠玑巷”,珠三角最高峰新丰云髻山,乳源必背瑶寨,等等。 Shaguang is home to a number of renowned cultural and natural attractions, including the UNESCO-listed Danxiashan Geopark; the Nanhua Temple, a state-certified key temple, where the sixth Chan Buddhist patriarch Huineng began preaching the doctrines of the southern school of Chan Buddhism; the Chebaling National


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