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第19 卷 第3 期 浙江水利水电专科学校学报 Vol. 19 No.3 2007 年9 月 J.Zhejiang Wat. Cons Hydr.College Sep.2007 1 2 郑江发, 董兆梁 ( 1. , 324000; 2. , 324000) :水库大坝的白蚁问题已经成为水库的安全隐患之一,大坝白蚁防治是水库除险加固的重要组成部分. 介绍了 白蚁的种类和识别方法后,分析了大坝产生白蚁的原因, 根据白蚁 坝内的生活习性和活动规律, 结合具体的工程实 例,提出了大坝白蚁防治的几种方法, 以供水库白蚁防治工程借鉴. :白蚁; 安全隐患;识别; 防治; 水库 + :TV698. 2 36 :A : 1008- 536X(2007) Termit e Prevention in Reservoir Dam 1 2 ZHEN G Jiangfa , DONG Zhaoliang ( 1.Administration ffice of Water Resources andHydropower, Quzhou 324000, China; 2. Kecheng Tianrun Termite Prevention ffice, Quzhou 324000, China) Abstract:The termite in reservoir dam has already become one of hidden troubles in reservoir safety, therefore the termite preventing and controlling in reservoir dam is one of the important factors in dam mend. After introducing the type of termite and the reason of ter mite troubles, several methods of termite preventing and controlling in reservoir dam are proposed according to termite s living and daily activity, based on project case. Key words:termites; safety hidden peril; recognition; prevention; reservoir , . :. , , . , , , , ,. . . , . 19, , 1 常见白蚁的识别 . , , .27~ 29.5 mm . 480, 30 . . 6 , 1.2 [ 1] ,6 . . 1. 1 : 10.5~ 11 mm. 5~ 5.44 mm, :, , , 2.


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