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2007年第 6期 2007, No. 6
: 话语分析不仅是语言学关注的对象, 而且是语言哲学后现代主义等许多人文科学关注的焦点
目 , 话语分析可以区分为批评话语分析和积极话语分析其实, 话语分析应该以话语为对象, 或者以
语言本身为目的, 或者以人及人的世界为目的 者属于语言学, 后者属于语言哲学, 两者相互联系, 相
互支撑人以身份出场, 其身份的建构离不开语言, 5语言与身份构建: 相关文献回顾6尽管是一篇综述
性文章, 但它可以给我们许多启示5语篇对话性与英语书面新闻语篇分析6在书面语篇中探讨对话
性对话性是语言存在的基本方式, 因此在完整话语中考察它具有重要的学术价值
谷小娟 李 艺
(南开大学, 天津 300071)
: 20 60 2 1 40
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: H 0- 05 : A : 1000- 0100( 2007) 06- 0 10 1- 8
L anguage and Identity Construction: L iterature R eview
Gu X iao-juan LiY i
( NankaiUni ersity, T ianjin 30007 1, Ch ina)
Th is paper sur ey s the h istory of research on relationship between language and social identity. E arly ariation ists attempted
to spot the correlation and co ariation betw een the two. Pragm atics argues for the contextuality and perform ati ity of social identity
in that iden tity com es as a consequence of the agent. s mi plem entation on pragmatic norm s. Socio-psychologists state the formation
of stylistic ariation on account of the psychological process of identification and distancing. Interactional sociolinguists iew in-
stantaneous interactions as the arena on wh ich language constructs social identity. C ommunity of practice. dem onstrates that
practice is constantly at playw hen one learns and adjusts his lingu istic beha iour, and when he negotiates and constructs h is so-
cial identities. De elopm ental psy chology broadens our ision to the lifelong process, duringw hich all types of identities are con-
structed, sustaine