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Vol. 29, No. 6 FORECASTING 2010 6
1, 2 1
( 1.西安交通大学 管理学院, 陕西 西安 710049; 2. 警福州指挥学院, 福建 福州 350002)
: 在无边界职业生涯时代, 人们对职业成长日益重视, 职业成长被视为工作选择的重要标准职业生涯发
展过程中的主要目标本文在对职业成长与职业发展职业成功的概念进行回顾与辨析的基础上, 梳理了职业
成长理论的现有研究体系最后, 提出了未来深入研究职业成长问题的具体命题
: 职业成长; 职业发展; 职业成功; 职业生涯; 研究简评
: C936 : A : 2010)
A L iterature R eview of Em p loyees Ca reer G row th
1, 2 1
W ENG Q ingxiong , XIY o m in
( 1. School of M anagement, X i an Jiaotong University, X i an 710049, China; 2. FuzhouArmed oliceForce Command
College, Fuzhou 350002, China)
A bstrac t: In the bo ndaryless career era, peop le pay more attention on their own career grow th, wh ich has been seen as
the s ignificant standard of job choice and m ain goal in theirw hole career. Th is paper d iscrmi inated and generalized the
concept of career grow th, career developm ent and career s ccess. It reviewed the existing literat re of career grow th. A t
last, the f t re research trend w as disc ssed.
K ey w ord s: career grow th; career developm ent; career s ccess; literat re review
, , !,
, Career,
, Career # ∃
Occ pation Vocation LePetit
Laro sse