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2009届毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 基于燃料电池和超级电容的机车供电系统仿真 专 ?业? 班? 级: 2005自动化01 学 ?号: 0504020112 姓 ?名: 高原 指 导 教 师: 胡为兵讲师 学 院 名 称: 电气信息学院 2009 年 5月 25 日 基于燃料电池和超级电容的机车供电系统仿真 The Energy Supply Simulation About Motor Car Based On Fuel And Ultracapacitor 姓 ?名: 高原 指 导 教 师: 胡为兵讲师 摘 要 基于燃料电池和超级电容的电动汽车是以燃料电池辅以超级电容为能量源,以电动机驱动行驶的车辆。它与传统燃油汽车的主要区别在其环保性和节能性,有着广阔的发展应用前景。 论文对电动汽车的基本结构,特点等方面进行了研究。着重分析了燃料电池和超级电容的优缺点进而提出将燃料电池作为主能源,超级电容为辅助能源的观点。最后使用电动汽车仿真软件ADVISOR对动力系统参数匹配方案进行了仿真研究,主要分析了燃料电池的几点特性,进一步论证了以燃料电池为主能源,超级电容为辅助能源的电动汽车的可行性与优异性,此类电动汽车的动力性和经济性较好地符合设计要求。 关键词:电动汽车;燃料电池;超级电容;ADVISOR仿真 Abstract Motor car based on fuel and ultracapacitor is driven by electric motor using fuel cell as main power source and ultracapacitor as assistant power. The difference between it and traditional soil car is its environment protection and energy conservation, motor cars have long term potential for future main cars. The dissertation discussed and analyzed the conformation and the characteristics of the motor car. It takes long time to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fuel cell and ultracapacitor, and then propose fuel cells as the main energy, ultracapacitor for the auxiliary energy point of view. In the end, simulation of the power train system was carried out in ADVISOR, just mainly analyze some characteristics of fuel cells and further demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of the electric vehicles using fuel cell as main power source and ultracapacitor as assistant power, the results show that the dynamic performance and the fulfill the designed requirements for the motor car and the efficiency of the power train is satisfied. Keywords: Motor Car; Fuel Cell; Ultracapacitor; ADVISOR Simulation 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1 1.2 燃料电池汽车国内外发展概况 1 1.3 燃料电池基础 4 1.4 超级电容基础 6 第二章 基于燃料电池和超级电容电动汽车控制系统整体结构 8 2.1 燃料电池和超级电容电动汽车控制系统组成 8 2.2 电动汽车整车控制系统总线结构 14 第三章 电动汽车系统仿真与实


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