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2011年6月 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A The head 2011年6月真题 Part I 作文 1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚 2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题 3. 我的建议 Practice makes perfect! Online Shopping Nowadays, with the rapid development of Internet technology, online shopping is coming into fashion, especially among young people. Practice makes perfect! 参考范文 For retailers, they can save lots of costs that are originally used to rent a store in the downtown and pay employees for less salary compared with traditional market sale. However, despite the many benefits brought by online shopping, there are still some defects that cannot be ignored. For one thing, lack of face-to-face communication makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. For another, some merchants with evil motives may provide false information, which makes it time-consuming to identify the commodity. From my perspective, the benefits of online shopping outweigh its defects, and to refuse to eat for fear of choking is always an unwise choice. One of the effective measures is to carry out relevant laws to regulate the online trading activities. Practice makes perfect! 参考范文 Only when a harmonious Internet environment is established can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping. Part II 快速阅读 做题顺序 先看文章标题,了解文章主要内容,然后看第一小题,把题干部分的定位词圈出来,回原文查找。做完第一题后,再看第二题,以此类推。 注意:不要把文章看完再做题,或题看完再读文章。 Practice makes perfect! 阅读技巧 2. 查找定位词 (1) 先看问题,确定定位词,然后直接在原文上查找问题中出现的定位词,定位词每次只需要找2-3个,多了记不住。 (2) 有专有名词、大写字母单词如:UNESC,为首选定位词。 (3) 句子中比较生僻的词,往往会帮助你定位原文信息。因为生僻的词往往缺少同义词或反义词,一般在原文中不会出现paraphrase的情况。 Practice makes perfect! 阅读技巧 3.克服不好的阅读习惯 (1)视幅小。即所谓“抠读”。阅读时一个字一个字地看,而不是按意群读,一目数词。 (2)回视。即来回看已经读过的内容,不断反复。 (3)纠缠语言细节,读读停停。即阅读时或因作记录或因查生词等多次停下来。 (4)有声朗读或无声默读。此外阅读时晃动身子,用手笔指着要读的文字等都是不好的习惯,都要加以克服。 Practice makes perfect! 阅读技巧 B Its bad taste. A an inadequate supply of food. B Its people cared more for quantity. C all kinds of overseas visitors. C New ideas and presentations. 5. D maintain Briti


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