BS1387-85 英标镀锌管.doc

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BS1387-85 英标镀锌管

About US TYSTEEL 泰亿鑫钢管 We introduce TIANJIN TAYIXIN STEEL TUBE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. as a leading manufacturer of steel pipe in Tianjin, China . Take up an area of 1,5000 Square Meters, Local in Daqiuzhuang Town 150kilometer distance to TIANJIN (Xin’gang) Harbor, the biggest port North of China . We professionally produce carbon steel pipe, galvanized steel pipe ,square rectangular pipe in various grade and manage seamless pipe ,angle steel ,spiral pipe, according to international standard GB/T3091-2001 , ASTM A53 , ASTM A106 , API5L , BS1387-1985 , which are considerably used to construction, oil\water\gas transportation, scaffolding, fencing, boiler, pipeline, etc. Now two production lines are working normally, to install third line, after that total capacity per month will exceed 6000metric tons. Our products sell well in America, Southeast Asia,Middle East/Asia. They are almost addicted in our good quality .As we are the trust-pass company authenticated by third party Alibaba group , more solid business partners are joining in to create the same language. Welcome to interview our website , which will bring u more excellence. Now we are ready. (products strictly certificated acco. ISO9001:2000) Contact US TIANJIN TAIYIXIN STEEL TUBE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. Wanghuzhuang industry area, Daqiuzhuang Town, Jinghai County , Tianjin City, China 301606 Tel:86 22Fax: 86 22Mobile:86Email: hongking@ ; yangshibin2009@ Page.1 3 Please consider your environmental responsibility. Before printing this e-mail ask yourself: Do I need a hard copy? Showcase With Pictures and Description: longitudinally-welded pipe Specs:1/2〞-10〞 DN:DN15-DN250 Length:(to your order) Wt:0.8mm-8mm Material:Q195、Q215、Q235、Q345 MOQ:10T PRICE:() Delivery:5-45days Notte:produced by own factory spiral welding pipe OD:φ219-φ2020 Length:6m Wt:6mm-25mm Material:Q235,Gr,B,Q345 MOQ:30T PRICE:(Acoo. market quotation of material) Delivery:5-45days Standard:GB/T9


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