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第20卷 第1期 湖 南 城 市 学 院 学 报 (自然科学版) Vol. 20 No.1 2011年3月 Journal of Hunan City University (Natural Science) Mar. 2011 悬索桥主缆成桥线形的解析计算 张佳文1,2,赵 彬3 (1.中南大学 土木建筑学院,长沙 410075;2.湖南都市职业学院,长沙 410137;3.长沙理工大学 土木与建筑 学院,长沙 410076) 摘 要:根据悬索桥在恒载作用下的力学特点,对悬索桥的主缆线形及无应力索长的计算方法进行了研 究.采用悬链线单元建立悬索桥线形和无应力索长的计算公式,结合施工中加劲梁的架设特点,确定了成桥 线形分析中的吊索力,还对计算悬索桥主缆线形的非线性方程组采用Newton-Raphson迭代格式求解并编制程 序.最后通过算例验证了该方法的计算精度、有效性和稳定性,并将计算结果与其他文献的计算结果进行了 分析比较.分析结果表明:该方法具有计算过程简洁和精度高的优点,其精度满足成桥几何线形的初步设计 要求,适用于大跨度悬索桥的主缆线形和内力的计算与分析. 关键词:悬索桥;主缆线形;悬链线;无应力索长;计算方法 中图分类号:U448.25 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672–7304(2011)01–0019–05 Iterative Analysis on Main Cable Shape of Suspension Bridges ZHANG Jia-wen1,2, ZHAO Bin3 (1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Centre South University, Changsha 410075; 2. Hunan Urban Professional College, Changsha 410137; 3. School of Civil Engineering and architecture, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410076,China) Abstract: A method of analytical iteration is presented for calculation the cable shape and the unstressed element length of main cable of suspension bridge based on the mechanical feature of the bridge under dead load. The presented nonlinear equations were analyzed by Newton-Raphson iteration scheme, and a program is developed upon this method. By means of considering the ways of stiff girder construction, the way is provided for calculating the force of suspension cable.Meanwhile, the calculation of suspender force, the solution for the target configuration of main cable of suspension bridge, and the calculation procedures of unstressed element length were discussed in detail. Finally, the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed method were demonstrated through an example, and the calculation results were compared with the other literature method results. The analytical results show that the presented methods have the advantages of simple procedure and high accuracy. Key words: suspension bridge; cable shape; catenary; unstressed element length; Newt


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