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GUIDE FOR OPEN CONTAINER EQUIPMENT 开顶箱设备检验指南 INSPECTION SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 第一章 简介 1.1 The Need for Inspection 1.1 检验的需要 The purpose of an open top (OT) container is to 使用开顶箱的目的就是要安全、高效地运载特 carry specialized cargo safely and efficiently. An OT 种货物。开顶箱必须适应于航海,且能经得住在各 container must be seaworthy and be able to withstand 种多变的气温、气候条件下进行公路铁路运输及货 the rigors of road and rail movement and depot and 运站、码头装卸等恶劣条件的考验。在整个货运体 depot and terminal handling in widely varying 系中,开顶箱是一个模式化元素。将箱体各尺寸保 temperature and climatic conditions. The OT is a 持在所推荐的公差范围内,并确保其结构的完整, modular element of an entire system of freight 这对整个体系的正常运转具有非常重要的意义。 movement. Preservation of its dimensions within recommended tolerances and of its structural integrity is crucial to the ability of the system to operate. While OT are built of durable materials, they are 尽管开顶箱是用各种耐用材料制成的,但它们 not invulnerable to damage or the deteriorating effect 仍不可避免地会损坏,元件也会老化。对开顶箱进 of the elements. Inspections of OT are made in order 行检验,就是为了找出不安全或降低集装箱使用性 to reveal conditions that may be unsafe or which may 能或寿命的各种迹象,一旦发现这类迹象,就必须 reduce the usefulness or life of the container. Such 进行修理。确保进行适当的检验,并且获得合格的 conditions must be repaired. It is in long-term interest 修理质量,这将直接关系到有关各方面的长期利 of all parties to ensure that proper inspections are 益。 carried out and that appropriate repaire of acceptable quality are made. 1.2 Purpose of Guide 1.2 指南的目的 This Guide was developed to determine whether 本指南是由决定开顶箱是否修理发展而来。当 OT requir repair. Inspection is particularly important 开顶箱在两家公司之间被交接时(如租箱公司和集 when OT are interchanged from one company to 装箱用户之间的相互交换),检验显得尤为重要。 abother, as for example from lessor to lessee or from 必须经过检验来确定交接时哪些缺陷需


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