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研究论著 RESEARCH WORK 医用成像光纤背景噪声研究 Research on the Background Noise from Medical Imaging Optical Fiber 王浩,孟祥峰,刘艳珍,任海萍 [摘 要] 本文针对医用光纤在内窥成像,特别是荧光分子成像和拉曼光谱成像过程中产生的背景噪 中国食品药品检定研究院光机电室, 声问题进行了研究,提出了一种医用光纤背景噪声的光谱测量分析方法。结果表明,成像光纤背 北京 100050 景噪声与光纤长度、激光功率均具有良好的线性关系。该研究结果对完善医用光纤的质量控制, 引导生产企业提高医用光纤的质量,促进医用内窥镜技术的发展提供了有用的参考。 [关键词] 医用内窥镜;分子影像;医用光纤;背景噪声;质量控制 Abstract: This paper focused on the background noise generated by medical imaging optical fiber during endoscopic imaging, especially fluorescence molecular imaging and Raman spectroscopy. The paper proposed an analysis method that could conduct spectrum measurement of the background noise produced by medical imaging optical fiber. The results indicated that the background noise generated by medical imaging optical fiber was linearly correlated with the length of optic fibers and laser power. The results provide beneficial reference for improvement of quality control of medical optical fiber. The research can also guide enterprises in their effort of improving the quality of medical optical fiber, and WANG Hao, MENG Xiang-feng, thus serve as a reference for the development of medical endoscopy. LIU Yan-zhen, REN Hai-ping Key words: medical endoscopy; molecular imaging; optical fiber; background noise; quality control Division of Active Medical Device and Medical Optics, National Institutes for [中图分类号] TN818 ;TH773 [文献标志码] C Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100050, doi :10.3969/j.issn.1674-1633.2016.05.009 China [文章编号] 1674-1633(2016)05-0040-03


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