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集装箱提单背面条款(中英文)(2012-04-28 08:47:21) 转载▼标签:集装箱货运提单分类:运输交通物流仓储保管搬迁THT CLAUSES OF BILL OF LADING OF CHINA OCEAN HIPING GROUP?1. DEFINITIONS定义 DEFINITIONS?“承运人”(CARRIER)是指“中远集运”,即中远集装箱运输有限公司。Carrier means COSCO container lines company limited.?“货方”(MERCHANT)包括发货人、托运人、收货人、受货人、货主、本提单的合法持有人或被背书人,或与货物或本提单具有现时或未来利益关系的任何人,或被授权代表前述任何一方行事的任何人。Merchant includes the consignor, the shipper, the receiver, the consignee, the owner of the Goods, the lawful holder or endorsee of this Bill of Lading, or any other person having any present or future interest in the Goods or this Bill of Lading, or anyone authorized to act on behalf of any of the foregoing.?“船舶”按有关上下文情况,包括本提单第6栏所列船舶或其替代船舶,以及承运人或代表承运人于全部运程中的海运阶段所使用的任何支线船或驳船。Vessel, where the context so admits, includes the Vessel named in Box 6 of this Bill of Lading or any substitute therefor, and any feeder vessel, lighter or barge used by or on behalf of the Carrier in connection with any seaborne leg of the carriage.?“分立契约人”(SUB-CONTRACTOR)包括(除承运人以外的)船舶所有人及经营人,装卸工人,码头、仓库、集装箱储运站经营人及拼箱经营人,公路及铁路运输经营人,及承运人雇佣的用以进行运输的任何独立订约人,以及其小分立契约人(SUB-SUB-CONTRACTOR)。分立契约人一词应包括直接及间接分立契约人及其各自的受雇人、代理人或分立契约人。Sub-contractor includes owners and operators of vessels (other than the Carrier), stevedores, terminal, warehouse, depot and groupage operators, road and rail transport operators and any independent contractor employed by the Carrier in the performance of the carriage and any sub-sub-contractor thereof. The expression Sub-contractor shall include direct and indirect Sub-contractors and their respective servants, agents or Sub-contractors.?“货物”(GOODS)是指自货方收到的全部货物或其任何部分,并包括非由承运人或其代表提供的任何集装箱。Goods means the whole or any part of the cargo received from the Merchant and includes any Container not supplied by or on behalf of the Carrier.?“件”是指由货方或其代表装载并铅封的每一集装箱,而不是在集装箱中所装的货物件数,如果此项件数未在本提单正面列明,或者是用“据称内装”或类似词句列明。Package means each Container which is stuffed and sealed by or on behalf of the Merchant, and not the items packed in such Container if the number o


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