Chapter Three 语言学 第三章 大学英语语言学.ppt

Chapter Three 语言学 第三章 大学英语语言学.ppt

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Chapter Three 语言学 第三章 大学英语语言学

Donation donate Difficulty difficult Greedy greed Onomatopoeia ONOMATOPOEIA is a way of creating words by imitating the sounds of the outside world. The following example comes from the poem “How Does the Water Come Down at Lodore” written by the English poet Robert Southey罗伯特·骚塞 (1774-1843),in which more than twenty onomatopoetic words are used in succession: Here it comes sparkling(起泡沫的 ), And there it lies darkling (在暗中 ) … Eddying (起漩涡) and whinking (闪烁), Spouting (喷水) and frisking (活蹦乱跳), . . . And rattling (作嘎嘎声) and battling, . . . And guggling (水流的潺潺声) and struggling, . . . And bubbling and troubling and doubling, And rushing and flushing and brushing and gushing, 冲刷 喷涌 And flapping and rapping and clapping and slapping. 轻拍 连续敲叩 掌击 拍打 And thumping and pumping and bumping and jumping, 重击 涌出 冲撞 And at once and all oer with mighty uproar骚动喧嚣, And this way the water comes down at Lodore. Borrowing English in its development has managed to widen its vocabulary by BORROWING words from other languages. Greek, Latin, French, Arabic, and other languages played an active role in the process. Greek obstetrics [?b?stetr?ks]产科学 epilepsy [epilepsi]癫痫羊痫疯, atom, electricity Latin cancer, tumor瘤, alias [?e?li?s]别名为, injunction强制令, alibi, pp. (pages), etc (etcetera) French mortgage, debut, concierge[?k?:nsi????]看门人,门房 Spanish macho [?mɑ:t???]男子气概 flotilla [fl?u?til?]舰队, junta军政府, grandee贵族, Indian balcony, algebra, stanza, pizza Japanese Judo[?d?u:d??] Korean: tae kwon do [?ta? ?kwɑn ? d?u] German blitzkrieg, hamburger, waltz[w?:lts] Fahrenheit [?f?r?n?ha?t]华氏温度计, * Root,stem,base A root is the basic part of a word that cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity. In


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