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lesson 143 A walk through the woods New words and expressions ★ wood n. 树林 She got lost in the woods . 他在森林中迷路了。 This house is made of wood. All wood is not hard ; some wood is soft. 木头不一定都硬;有些木头是软的。 He is chopping wood for fire。 他正在劈柴生火。 ★ beauty spot 风景点 spot地点 It is a famous beauty spot. 这是一个著名的风景胜地。 a beauty spot; a beauty mark 美人痣 ★ hundred 百 two hundred apples hundreds of 数以百计的 ★ city 城市 It‘s the biggest city of the world. ★ through 穿过 火车穿过数个隧道 The train went through some tunnels. 你的头挡住了我的视线 I can’t see through your head. The thief got in through the window. If youll hold on a minute Ill put you through. 您稍等,我给您接通。 ★ visitor 参观者, 游客 No visitors. visitor‘s book visit 拜访 动词 ★ tidy整洁的 v. 使…..整洁 常与up连用 neat and tidy My mother is tiding up the room. I must tidy myself up before I go out ★ litter 杂乱的东西 v. 把…弄得乱七八糟 Please do not leave litter. / No litter 请勿乱扔垃圾. Don’t litter your room. 有些观光客在风景区乱丢垃圾。 Some tourists leave litter in beauty spots. litter basket ★ place放,地方 Place the books on the desk. He placed the books in the right order. 他把书本按正确的顺序放好。 ★ throw v. 扔,抛 threw;thrown throw away My brother is throwing a ball. Please throw. I’ll catch. throw sb. sth. = throw sth. to sb. ★ rubbish 垃圾 throw away the rubbish Don’t talk rubbish. ★ count v. 数,点 Count backward from thirty to one. Don’t forget to count the change. ★ cover 覆盖 be covered with She covered her face with her hands. Put a cover on the pot. From cover to cover. He tried to cover up his guilt by lying. 他企图用说谎来掩盖罪行. ★ piece 碎片 Don’t step on the pieces of glasses. Cut a pie into six pieces. ★ tyre 轮胎 ★ rusty adj. 生锈的,变迟钝了 rust 铁锈 A bit rusty on history. ★ among prep. 在….之间(三者或三者以上之间) He is tallest one among the children. The cat is among the trees. Have been placed现在完成时的被动语态 被动语态的基本构成是be+过去分词,体现在现在完成时中,根据人称的不同be变化成has/have been+过去分词 再看一下文章的最后一句: Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted. Will be prosecuted 一般将来时的被动语态 在一般将来时中,be要变化


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