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Proverbs and Quotations1 Proverbs and Quotations2 Proverbs and Quotations3 Talk about the Pictures1.4 Swirling 3. Talk about the Pictures1.5 Learning something together. 4. Talk about the Pictures1.6 Riding on the shoulders as if flying. 5. Talk about the Pictures1.7 Going jogging 6. Talk about the Pictures1.8 Cooperating in flying a kite. 7. Talk about the Pictures1.9 Enjoy riding bikes. 8. Talk about the Pictures1.10 Going diving. 9. Talk about the Pictures1.11 Playing chess. 10. Talk about the Pictures1.12 Playing basketball. 11. Talk about the Pictures1.13 Going fishing. 12. Talk about the Pictures1.14 Doing something together, say, setting up a tent. 13. Talk about the Pictures1.15 Chatting with each other 14. Proverbs and Quotations 有时最穷的人留给孩子的却是最富的遗产。 ——鲁思 E·伦科尔 Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance. — Ruth E. Renkel 2. It is much easier to become a father than to be one. — Kent Nerburn 成为父亲比做好父亲容易得多。 ——肯特·耐本 父亲教会我们机会和责任是相辅相成的。 ——劳伦斯·洛克菲勒 3. Father taught us that opportunity and responsibility go hand in hand. — Laurence Rockefeller 4. I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection. — Sigmund Freud 我想不到童年时有什么需求像对父亲的保护的需求那么强烈。 ——西格蒙德·弗洛伊德 父亲们最根本的缺点在于想要孩子为自己争光。 ——伯特兰·罗素 5. The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them. — Bertrand Russell Text B Text B_ Lead-in Father and Biscuits Text A Text B Lead-in Questions Enjoy the Poem Culture Notes Questions for Discussion Text B_ Lead-in Text A Text B Lead-in Questions 1. 2. 3. How does your father show concern about you? Is there


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