冀教版四年级英语上册Goldilocks and The Three Bears.ppt

冀教版四年级英语上册Goldilocks and The Three Bears.ppt

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冀教版四年级英语上册Goldilocks and The Three Bears

金凤花和三只熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Father Bear ,Mother Bear and Baby Bear are a happy faimly. They live in a house. 熊爸爸,熊妈妈和熊宝宝是幸福的一家。 他们住在一所房子里。 One day,Mother Bear makes soup for dinner. The soup is hot. Lets go for a walk. Okay. 一天,熊妈妈为晚饭做了汤。 汤太热了。 让我们去散步吧。 好的。 Im lost. Im hungry. Just then,a small girl walks by the house. Her name is Goldilocks. She goes into the house. The three bears go for a walk before dinner. 三只熊在晚饭前去散步。 就在这时,一个小女孩路过房子。 她叫金凤花。 她走进房子里。 我迷路了。 我饿了。 She sees the soup on the table. She tries Mother Bears soup. She tries Father Bears soup. She tries Baby Bears soup. Then she eats Baby Bears soup. This is too hot. This is too cold. This is just right. 她看见汤在桌子上。 她试了试熊妈妈的汤。 她试了试熊爸爸的汤。 她又试了试熊宝宝的汤。 然后她喝了熊宝宝的汤。 这个太热了。 这个太凉了。 这个刚刚好。 She sees three beds. She tries Mother Bears bed. She tries Father Bears bed. She tries Baby Bears bed. Then she goes to sleep in Baby Bears bed. This bed is big. This bed is big,too. This bed is just right. Just then the three bears come home. They are hungry. They want to eat soup. They go to the table. Someone ate my soup. Someone ate all my soup. 就在这时,三只熊回家了。他们饿了。 他们想喝汤。 他们走向桌子。 有人喝了我的汤。 有人喝完了我的汤。 Then they go to the bed. They see Goldilocks. Someone was sleeping in my bed. Someone was sleeping in my bed,and here she is. 然后他们去睡觉。 他们看见金凤花。 有人睡过我的床。 有人正睡在我的床上,她在这儿。 Help,help. Just then Goldilocks wakes up. She sees the three bears looking at her. 就在这时金凤花醒了。 她看见三只熊正看着她。 She runs out of the house. She runs and runs,far away. 她跑出房子。 她跑啊,跑啊,跑向远处。


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