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Weeping for My Smoking Daughter 1.package v. 包装,打包,捆扎 n. 一盒;计划,建议 a package deal /offer 一揽子交易 He packaged up the presents he had got for his birthday and put them in the cupboard. 他把收到的生日礼物打包放到柜橱里。 2.grateful a. 感激的,感谢的 be grateful to sb for sth 因某事而感激某人 We are gateful to you for the help you have given us. 我们感谢您的帮助。 3.harden v. 使变得坚强,使变得冷漠; 使变硬,使硬化 She hardened her heart. 她变得冷酷无情。 Leave the wet cement to harden. 让湿水泥变硬。 get harder 更加困难 The exercises in this book gardually get harder. 这本书中的练习越往后越难。 4.hook n.钩子,挂钩;v.钩住;吸引,迷住 on/off the hook 处于/脱离困境 5.drag vt.拖,用力拉,拽;使慢吞吞地进行 vi.拖着脚步走;拖延;抽烟 drag on/out (使拖延) How much longer is this going to drag on? 这事还要拖多久? draw 动作从容 drag 拖得重,动作慢 pull 指一时或突然拉的动作 6.weaken v.使变弱,削弱 Cancer weakened the patient’ s body. 癌症使人变得虚弱。 7.swallow vt.吞咽;忍受;轻信 vi.做吞咽动作 n. 吞,咽 Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewd and digested.有些书浅尝辄止,有些书可以囫囵吞枣,少数则须咀嚼消化。(培根) 8.bunch n.束,串,把;群,伙 vt.使成一束 a bunch of keys一串钥匙 two bunches of grapes两串葡萄 a bundle of letters一扎信 9.pregnant a.怀孕的,妊娠的 be pregnant with 充满… His words are pregnant with meaning. 他的话意味深长。 10.shelter n.庇护,保护;庇护所;住所,住处 vt.掩蔽,庇护 shelter…from 保护/庇护…以避… take/find shelter from the rain找到避雨处 You must not shelter him from the police. 你千万不可窝藏他而不报警。 1.pick up 获得;学会;拿起,举起 I had picked up a bit of surgery from him. 我已经从他那里学会了一些外科治疗的手艺。 2.be dressed in 穿着 The bride was dressed in white. 新娘穿一身白色的婚纱。 3.coupled with 把…和…联系在一起;外加 Working too hard ,coupled with not getting enough sleep,made him ill. 工作太努力,加上睡眠不足,使他生病了。 4.die from 由于…而死亡 die from 指由于外部原因致死 die of 指由于人或物本身的原因 The flowers in the garden died from frost. 园子里的花因霜冻而凋谢。 5.direct at 旨在引起注意,针对 The compliments are directed at you. 这些赞美是夸你的。 Para. 2a She doesn’t know this,


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