考研英语阅读3(有详细翻译)Putting in a good word for guilt.doc

考研英语阅读3(有详细翻译)Putting in a good word for guilt.doc

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考研英语阅读3(有详细翻译)Putting in a good word for guilt

Putting in a good word for guilt There are two attitudes toward the sense of guilt: one is to eliminate it in order to live comfortably, which is usually advocated by most psychologists to maintain so-called mental health; 对于“内疚”感,人们有两种不同的态度。一种就是减少“内疚”感,为的是活得舒服。这是心理学家提倡的做法,用来维持所谓的心理健康。The other is to keep it, so that our behavior can be modified under the influence of conscience. 另一种态度是保持“内疚”感,以便我们的行为在道德良心的驱使下能有所改良。The author analyzes the nature and function of guilt in the deepest level and thinks that this worst emotion actually helps bring out the best in us, while, on the contrary, the lack of guilt is to be questioned. 作者鞭辟入里地分析了“内疚”感的本质及作用,她认为这种让人感到最不舒服的情感实际上能使人向善。而相反,理应受到质疑的应该是这种“内疚”感的缺失。 [1] Feeling guilty is nothing to feel guilty about. 不必因为有“内疚”感而感到“内疚”。Yes, guilt can be the excess baggage that keeps us paralyzed unless we dump it. 是的,“内疚”感会使我们背负过多的包袱。除非我们摔掉包袱,否则我们难以前行。But it can also be the engine that fuels us. 但它也能成为我们动力的来源。 Yes, it can be a self-punishing activity, but it can also be conscience that keeps us civilized. 没错,它会成为一种自我谴责行为,但它也能变成一种道德良心,使我们不再野蛮愚昧。 [2] Not too long ago I wrote a story about that amusing couple Guilt and the Working Mother.就在前不久,我写过一篇故事,讲的是内疚和工作型母亲这对搭档的事。Ill tell you more about that later. 我下面还会补充一些。Through the mail someone sent me a gift coffee mug carrying the message I gave up guilt for Lent. 有人寄给我一个礼品咖啡杯,杯上写着:因为大斋节,我放弃了内疚感。 [3] My first reaction was to giggle. (看到这些字)我的第一反应就是觉得好笑。But then it occurred to me that this particular Lent has been too lengthy. 但随后我又意识到眼下这个斋节持续时间太长了。 For the past decade or more, the pop psychologists who use book jackets rather than couches all were busy telling us that I am okay, you are okay and whatever we do is okay. 在过去十年或更长的时间里,大众心理学工作者都忙着通过书籍的封面套纸广告语,而非心理诊所的谈话,告诉大家说:我好,你好,大家做什么都好。 [4] In most of their books, guilt was given a bad name - or rather, an assortment of bad names. 在心理学工作者所出的大多数书中,内疚感被冠以恶名--甚至就是恶名的总称。 It was a (1) Puritan, (2) Jewish or (3) Catholic hangover from our (1) parent


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