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长句的翻译 2011-04 朱云汉 Definition Long/Involved/mixed/complex Sentence(s) 所谓长句,主要指语法结构复杂、修饰成分较多、内容层次在两个或两个以上的复合句,亦可指含义较多的简单句。 翻译既是科学,又是艺术。翻译之难,尤其表现在长句的翻译上。 Motivation  英语多长句,汉语多短句  由于英语是“法治”的语言,只要结构上没有出现错误,许多意思往往可以放在一个长句中表达;汉语则正好相反,由于是“人治”,语义通过字词直接表达,不同的意思往往通过不同的短句表达出来。  英语多从句,汉语多分句  英语句子不仅可以在简单句(前面两个例子都是简单句)中使用很长的修饰语使句子变长,同时也可以用从句使句子变复杂,而这些从句往往通过从句引导词与主句或其它从句连接,整个句子尽管表面上看错综复杂却是一个整体。汉语本来就喜欢用短句,加上表达结构相对松散,英语句子中的从句翻成汉语时往往成了一些分句。 Exemplifying  In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 门口放着一堆雨伞,少说有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。(√)  Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me? 你能回答一个使我弄不懂而又想问你的问题吗?(×) Strategies 具体翻译方法 1、顺序译法 2、变(逆)序译法 3、分(拆)句译法 1. 顺序译法 If you reach Chicago by train and spend only an hour or two there you will feel the light wind off the lake which gives it the name “Windy City”. 如果你乘坐火车抵达芝加哥,即使只在那里逗留一两个小时,你也会感到从密歇根湖那边吹拂过来的阵阵清风,这就是芝加哥之所以叫做“风城”的缘故。 顺序译法 We hear what they said and view what they did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe. 我们如闻其声,如观其行,如见其人;我们同情他们,和他们悲喜与共;他们的感受成为我们自己的感受,我们觉得仿佛自己是在他们所描绘的场景中与他们同台扮演着角色。 顺序译法 It was the moment I ceased being a child, when I began to have an adult’s awareness of the pain and tragedy in life. 从那一刻起我不再是一个小孩,我开始有了成年人的意识,能意识到人生的伤痛与灾难。 顺序译法 The world is undergoing profound changes: the integration of economy with science and technology is increasing, the restructuring of the world economy is speeding up, and economic prosperity depends not only on the total volume of resources and capital, but also directly on the accumulation and application of technological knowledge and information. 世界正在发生深刻的变化:经济与科学技术的结合与日俱增;世界经济的重组加快步伐;经济繁荣不仅仅取决于资源和资本的总量,而且直接有赖于技术知识和信息的积累及其应用。 2、变(逆)序译法 The battle-scarred old communists who once made stormy revolution unfurled a passionate blueprint today for a mo


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