2013外研版初一英语下册M6U1Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium.ppt

2013外研版初一英语下册M6U1Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium.ppt

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2013外研版初一英语下册M6U1Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium

Module 6 Unit 1 street turn third guidebook bookshop right why not…? could underground n. 街道 v. 换方向 num. 第三 n. 导游手册;旅行指南 n. 书店 int. 好了(用于变换话题 或活动);是的,好 为什么不……呢? v. aux. 可以;能 n. 地铁 Match the words from the box with the pictures. bank museum restaurant station Work in pairs. Say which places in Activity 1 you can find in your hometown and where they are. 1.在……里面 2.在……上面 3.在……下面 4.在……附近 5.紧挨着…… 6.在……后面 7.在……左边 8.在……右边 9.在两者中间 10.在……中间 11.在……前面 Listen and answer these questions. 1. How will the tourist get to Wangfujing Dajie from Tian’anmen Square? 2. Where is the bookshop? ④ How can I get to…? 5. Where’s ...? 6. Which is the (right) way to…? 7. Is there a ... near here? 8.Do you know the way to the airport? 7.Go along the street and you’ll see an underground station. 8.It takes about ten minutes by bus. 9.You can’t miss it. 10.Turn left /right into …左/右拐进入... 11.Take the No. 22 bus.坐第22路车。 12.It’s ten minutes walk.十分钟的路程。 Could you tell me how to get to …? Look at the map: Make similar dialogues. A: How do I get to the museum?/ Can you tell me the way to the museum? B: Go along this street. Turn right into Beihai Road. Go straight ahead. It’s on your left. go along the street...沿着这条街走。 go /walk along/down沿着...走 【拓展】 ★ride和drive可用于此类结构。如: Tom rides a/his bike to work. Kate’s mother drives a/her car to work. Complete the questions with the correct form of the words from the box. Gong chang’an Jie bank Wangfujing Dajie bookshop Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? Excuse me! Certainly. Go across Dong Chang’an Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left. Xi chang’an Jie bank bookshop I’d like to buy a guide book about Beijing. Is there a bookshop near here? Yes, there’s a big bookshop over there, just along Xi Chang’an Jie, on the right, opposite the bank. I also want to visit the National Stadium. How can I get there? Sorry, I’m not sure. Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium? Sure! Go



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