中职英语职业模块 unit01.ppt

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中职英语职业模块 unit01

Unit 1 Working Together Text B How to Deal with Difficult Co-workers? A working environment tends to be a melting pot of people with different cultures, backgrounds and values. What may bother you could be considered humorous to someone else. Difficult people do exist at work. They come in every kind and in every workplace. How difficult a person is for you to deal with depends on your self- respect, your self-confidence and your professional courage. Dealing with difficult people is easier when the person is just generally unpleasant or when the behavior affects more than one person. If the offenses are small, perhaps a lunch chat is enough. It is possible that the two of you started off on the wrong foot. Sometimes it is helpful to try to put yourself in their shoes and understand the feeling and the situation they are in. Words and Expressions critical /5krItIkEl/ adj. 批评的;爱挑剔的 dependent /dI5pendEnt/ adj. 依靠的;依赖的 tend /tend/ v. 趋向;往往是 melt /melt/ v. 融化;熔化 pot /p?t/ n. 罐;壶;锅 background /5bAk^raJnd/ n. 背景 bother /5b?TE/ v. 烦扰;打扰 Words and Expressions humorous /5hju:mErEs/ adj. 幽默的;滑稽的 exist /I^5zIst/ v. 存在 self-respect /5selfrIs5pekt/ n. 自尊 self-confidence /9self5k?nfIdns/ n. 自信 professional /prE5feFEnl/ adj. 专业的;职业的 courage /5kQrIdV/ n. 勇气 generally /5dVenErElI/ adv. 一般;通常 Words and Expressions unpleasant /Qn5pleznt/ adj. 使人不愉快的;讨厌的 behavior /bI5heIvjE/ n. 举止;行为 affect /E5fekt/ v. 影响 offense /E5fens/ n. 冒犯;侵犯 chat /tFAt/ n. 聊天 situation /7sItju5eIFEn/ n. 情形;状况 Words and Expressions deal with 处理;应付 melting pot 大熔炉 at work 在工作中;在上班 depend on 依靠;依赖 start off on the wrong foot 一开始已出错 put yourself in one’s shoes 站在某人的角度去想 Read and tick Read Text B and tick the right sentences. □ 1. Different kinds of peopl


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