牛津高中英语模块四第二单元Sports event1.doc

牛津高中英语模块四第二单元Sports event1.doc

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牛津高中英语模块四第二单元Sports event1

牛津高中英语模块四第二单元Sports events 胡玉杰 Ma Chang Middle School Shu Yang County Jiangsu Key expressions and phrases 1. be delighted to do sth: 乐意做…… be delighted at sth: 因为……而高兴 We are delighted that you have come here. 我们很高兴你来这里 ② I was delighted at the news that he had passed the exam. 他通过了考试的消息让我很高兴。 2. significance: n. 重要性,意义 be of significance: 重要,有意义 So far, research hasn’t produced anything of great significance. 到目前而言,研究还没有产生任何重要意义。 3. every: 每隔 every + 基数词 + n(复数): 每….. every + 序数词 + n(单数): 每到第….. every other + n(单数): 每隔一…… every few + n(复数): 每隔几…… You should plant the tree every three meters 你每三米就值树 You should plant the tree every the third meter 你每到第三米就值树 ③ every other line: 每隔一行 ④ every few days: 每隔几天 4. compete: vi. 比赛,竞争 compete with / against sb for sth: 与某人就……比赛∕竞争 competition: [k?mpiˊti?n] n. 比赛,竞争 competitive: [k?mˊpetitiv] adj. 比赛的,竞争的 competitor: [k?mˊpetit?] n. 比赛者,竞争者 ① She is competing with her sister for attention(争宠). ② boxing / chess / beauty competition ③ competitive sports: 竞争性体育运动 ……以生命;使……生动 bring sth back to life: 使……重生 In the story the artists brought the statue to life. 6. under the name of sth: 以……为别名∕笔名 He wrote his novels under the name of John. 7. absence: n. 不在,缺席,缺乏 in / during one’s absence: 在……不在时 in the absence of sth: 由于缺乏…… ① The accident happened in / during your absence. ② Police had to release the boy in the absence of hard evidence. ③ Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 人不见,心更念;久别情更深。 8. gold medal: 金牌 silver medal: 银牌 bronze medal: 铜牌 9. hang on: vi. (1) 紧紧抓住 (2) 稍等 (3) 坚持不懈 hang on to sth: (1) 保留,保存 (2) 抓紧…… ① We all hung on as the bus swung around a sharp bend(急转弯). ② Hang on! I will be back in a minute. ③ I know you are tired, but try to hang on a bit longer. ④ I should hang on to those old photos—they may be valuable. ⑤ Hang on to that rope, and don’t let go. 抓紧那根绳子,不要松手。 10. attempt: n. vi. 尝试,努力;试图,企图 尝试∕试图∕努力做…… attempt to do sth: make an attempt to do sth: in an attempt to do sth: 为了


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