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一.阅读表达 [1]Whatever goals you’re working towards in life,whatever dreams you have,you’ll want to give yourself the best possible chance of success. Here are you can do to actually increase the possibility of reaching your dreams or goals. [2]1.Get Help and Support Having a bit of help or simply some friendly support from family,friends or workmates can make a difference.It might be your parents taking care of the kids for a few hours so you can work on your book,or your best friend might come over at the weekend to bring you some valuable suggestions. [3]2.Write Down Your Goals Whatever you’re planning to do,write it down.Put it up somewhere you’ll see regularly,perhaps on a small card in your wallet.It’s easy to let days go by without working on any of your goals,but a written card will help you keep it in mind.Writing your goals down is also a great way to truly carry them out. [4] 3.Break Big Projects into Little Steps Your goals are almost certainly too big to deal with in a day or even a week:you’re going to be working at them over several months or even years. Importantly, break down each goal or project into small steps and pick only one or two items to work on at a time. [5]4.Be Confident As you’re working towards your goal,you might find yourself thinking things like “I’ll never be successful,so I might as well give up.Replace these voices with more encouraging messages such as “I know I can reach my goal successfully.” 61. What would be a proper title for the passage?(no more than 6 words) _______________________________________________________________ 62. Fill in the blank in Paragraph l with proper words.(no more than 2 words) _______________________________________________________________ 63. How can you avoid failing to work on any of your goals for days?(no more than 7 words) _______________________________________________________________ 64.What should you do if your goals would take you a long time to deal with?(no more than 10 words) __________


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