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Why does school kills children’s creativity? 山东省昌乐二中 高三21班 唐若曦 Hello,everyone.thank you for sparing your time to listen to me today.The topic of my presentation is whether school kills creativity.And I say yes.My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as knowledge, and we should protect students’ creativity.To demonstrate this point,I have divided my talk into three parts. Firstly,I think children’s curiosity is challenged during school days. Preschool children ask about 100 questions per day. We take it for granted ,but most parents may get annoyed and ask them to stop questioning.Unfortunately, if you ask them to stop,they will indeed stop.And after entering school, they ask less and less,until they will ask no more.And I’m afraid it’s when children’s creativity is killed. We all know a story of Watt inventing steam engine.When Watt was a young child,he noticed a common sight, but he found it was strange. young Watt was very eager to konw what was pushing the kettle’s lip up.At first he questioned his grandma,but his grandma had no interest in it and asked him to stop questioning. We all know that as a child, Watt didin’t give up .But I can’t help imagining, how many children on earth can act exactly like Watt? Most kids may stop being curious after their parents’ or teachers’ impatience. I said that because I’ve experienced these kind of things many times in flesh. I coud well remember once I asked my math teacher a question, but he couldn’t explain it. And he said this: because it is said in the book. No more questions, no more nonsense. I felt upset,and from that time on, I didn’t ask those “useless” questions anymore. What’s more, I have to deal with my lesson grades, which is more vital. What a pity, I shoud have had the chance to become Watt some day. Secondly,at school teachers don’t want students to make mistakes. They want you to act in thier ways, so creativity is faded. When I was in senior two we were supposed to write argumenta


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