英语习语与风俗习惯 (选修课作业).doc

英语习语与风俗习惯 (选修课作业).doc

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英语习语与风俗习惯 (选修课作业)

英语习语与风俗习惯(Idiom &Customs) 1.饮食习俗对英语习语的影响 (面包,牛油,果酱,牛奶,茶,奶酪) 面包(bread) Earn one s bread谋生 e.g he earns his bread by working in a restaurant. Bread and circuses 享受物质生活和精神生活 e.g Saturday is bread and circuses time . Bread and butter 必需品 e.g don t quarrel with your bread and butter . Take (the ) bread out of ones mouth 抢某人的饭碗 e.g if you do that ,youll taking the bread out of your fellow workers here . The greatest thing since sliced bread 比较受欢迎的人或事物 e.g i dont know why people think so highly of him :he only taught in America and he was just a teacher . Know (on) which side ones bread is buttered 知道如何笼络人心 Butter both sides of ones bread 从两边获利 牛油(butter) Butter up (涂牛油)讨好,巴结 (look at if )butter wouldnt melt in ones mouth 装得很娇弱 e.g when a visiter comes in she smiles and languishes ,youd think that butter wouldnt melt in ones mouth . 奶酪(cheese) Big cheese 大人物 e.g he said his goal was to become the big cheese in the company . Whole cheese 自以为自己很重要 e.g john said he was the whole cheese in the project because he thought the idea . Hard cheese Cheese cake 性感的女性 果酱(jam) Like /want jam on it 希望好上加好 Money for jam 容易做的事,容易赚的钱(no money for jam 不容易做的事) Jam tomorrow 兑现不了的承诺 茶(tea) For all the tea in China .(多用于否定句中)报酬很多 Cup of tea 喜欢的东西 e.g pop music is hardly my fathers cup of tea . A storm in a tea cup .小题大做 牛奶(milk) Milk for babies e.g this book is really milk for babies . Come (go)home with the milk Theres no use crying over split milk 馅饼(pie) As easy as pie e.g The exam was as easy as pie . Have a (ones )finger in every pie 在每件事情上都要参与 e.g she always wants to have a finger in the pie if the class organizes some activities . Eat humble pie 被迫低身下气的做一件事 e.g Tom told a lie about George ,and when he was found out ,he had to eat humble pie . Pie in the sky 不能保证实现的许诺 酒吧文化(pub) 啤酒(beer) Beer and skittles 悠闲自得的生活 e.g life is not only beer and skittles . Small beer (淡啤酒)指小人物,无关紧要的事 e.g the other girls seemed very small beer to me in comparison with her . Cry in on


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