专题英语 灾难篇.doc

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专题英语 灾难篇

灾难篇 A 1 a charity performance 义演 We had a meeting to discuss holding a charity performance. 我们开了个会讨论举行一场慈善义演。 2)?????a homeless shelter 收容所 He ran a homeless shelter or, better yet, a shelter for dogs. 他为无家可归的人或者流浪狗提供一个避难所。 3)?????a miserable cold 重感冒 A guy suffering from a miserable cold begs his doctor for relief. 一个病人感冒很重,他请求医生为他减轻痛苦。 4)?????a plane wreck 飞机失事 What does it feel like to be the only person to survive a plane crash, a boat wreck or an ambush? Sole survivors tell their stories 飞机失事、船只沉没、敌军伏击,灾难过后,唯一的幸存者有着怎样的感受呢?一起来听听他们的故事吧。 5)?????a refugee camp 难民营 6)?????accident n.事故,意外; ?ks?d?nt/ She was involved in a serious car accident last week. 她上个星期卷入了一场严重的车祸。 7)?????accidental a.意外的,偶然的 8)?????accidental collision 意外碰撞 9)??????accidental damage 意外损伤 10)???accidentally ad.意外地 11)???Acid Rain酸雨 12)???aftershock 余震 13)???Alarm警报[?lɑ:m] But there are no immediate signs of alarm. 但是并没有立刻出现惊慌的迹象。 14)???Asteroid小行星撞击地球[?st?r?id] Astronomers have detected an asteroid not far from Earth, moving in the same orbit around the Sun. 天文学家在距离地球不远处发现一颗与地球绕日轨道相同的小行星。 15)????at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter calculations 里氏7.8级地震 16)???Avalanche雪崩[?v?lɑ:nt?] If the value was much lower than one, on the other hand, the avalanche would soon die out. 另一方面,如果结果是一个比一小很多的数字,那么雪崩很快就会停止。 B 17)???burst into flame 猛烈的燃烧 18)???bury掩埋 19)???buoy救生圈[b?i, bu:i] Once in the water, the buoy will generate up to 150 kilowatts of power. 而当这些浮标进行工作,他它们能产生150千瓦的电力。 C 20)???calamity大灾祸,不幸之事[k?l?m?ti] Even a greater natural calamity cannot daunt us. 再大的自然灾害也压不垮我们。 21)???casualty伤亡事故。[k??ju?lti] We have had our first casualty. One runner has dropped out with cramp. 我们有了第一位伤员,有一位队员因腿部痉挛退出了。 22)???cataclysm剧变,灾难(常指洪水或地震)[k?t?kliz?m] Small beer compared with the cataclysm of a year ago—but enough to temper the holiday cheer. 相较于一年之前的大灾难,如今只是一个小熊市,但是足够缓和人们度假的欢乐心情。 23)???catastrophe突如其来的大灾难[k?t?str?fi] He is teetering on the edge of catastrophe. 他在大灾难


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