第一章 肋膜腔穿刺术(国外英文资料).doc

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第一章 肋膜腔穿刺术(国外英文资料)

第一章 胸膜腔穿刺术(国外英文资料) The first chapter is the pleural cavity puncture One, training content and time distribution (4 hours) Play the pleural cavity, video. ??????????????????? In the United States of China????????????? Ten minutes Briefly introduce the bra training model. ?? ,?????? ? 5 minutes This is a combination of chest piercing, taboo, puncture, preparation and attention. Twenty minutes The teacher demonstrated the procedure of thoracic cavity piercing in the thoracic training model. The end of the day is the last day of the year. ? 15 minutes The students are divided into two groups, one for the performer and one for the assistant. ????????????????? 140 minutes Answer questions and small knots. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Ten minutes Second, the indications Diagnostic puncture: make sure there is no fluid in your chest. The properties of the fluid and the etiology of the fluid are identified through the puncture and pathologic examination. Therapeutic puncture: by draining or pumping air to reduce the pressure on the lungs or large vessels, improving breathing or circulatory disorders; Extract pus to treat the abscess; Local treatment of intro thoracic injection. Third, contraindicated A weak constitution, a critical condition, and a difficult to tolerate the operator; The puncture site has inflammation, cancer, and trauma; Having serious hemorrhagic disease; Haemoptysis, severe tuberculosis and emphysema; Patients who cant cooperate are relatively contraindicated, and can be used for a pleural cavity puncture when necessary. 4, preparation before operation Patient preparation: complete the necessary medical talks and signing procedures; Explain to the patient the purpose of piercing, eliminating worry and mental strain. (model preparation: check the chest piercing fluid/pneumothorax model for normal use.) Doctors prepare: the operator cleans his hands, wears a mask and wears a white coat. Equipm


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