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★dream v. 做梦,梦想 have a dream Have a good/sweat dream. She is daydreaming. daydreaming:思想开小差 dream of doing something think of:想、考虑 dream of:梦想 I dreamed of flying in the sky. ★age n. 年龄 teenager:十几岁的人,青少年 ★channel n. 海峡 ★throw v. 扔,抛 throw—threw---thrown throw away 扔掉 My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster. 同位语 My daughter  Jane 1. of ones own age 和...同年龄的 He is boy of my own age. think of:考虑   dream of:梦想 write to:给某人写信  write to me each other 相互(两者之间) They love each other. one another相互(三者及以上之间) cost表示花费,主语一定是物 sth. cost sb. much more:多的多 much faster 快的多 跟of, from, in和on的动词 1、后接of的动词: accuse of(控告);approve of(赞成);assure of(让……放心);beware of(谨防);boast of/about(炫耀), complain of/about(埋怨);consist of(由……组成);convince of/about(使信服);cure of(治愈);despair of(丧失……希望);dream of/about(幻想);expect of/from(期望);hear of/from(听到……消息);be/get rid of(摆脱);smell of(闻到);suspect of(对……猜疑);think of/about(思考);tired of(对……感到厌烦);warn of/against(警告……有危险) 2、后接from的动词: borrow from(从……借);defend from/against (保护……使免于);demand from/of(向……要求);differ from(有别于);dismiss from(解雇);draw from(从……中得出);emerge from(从……出现);escape from(从……逃出);excuse from/for(答应不……);hinder from(阻止);prevent from(妨碍);prohibit from(不准许);protect from/against(向……提抗议);receive from(接到);separate from(把……分开);suffe from(受难)? He has already received money from three aunts. He borrowed three books from Mary.? He always asked for help from parents.? 3、后接in的动词: believe in(信仰);delight in(喜欢);employ(ed) in (从事);encourage in(鼓励);engage(d) in(正做);experie


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