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教学设计及反思模版(撰写时蓝色文字可以删去)教学设计及反思课题名称:Unit 3 Look at me!姓名:侯佩工作单位:雷公镇双河小学学科年级:三年级教材版本:Pep人教版一、教学内容分析(简要说明课题来源、学习内容、知识结构图以及学习内容的重要性)这节课教授的是人教版三年级第三单元第四课时look at me ! let’s learn part B 部分的内容。这节课是单词教学,学生需要掌握如何用英语描述自己身体各部位,通过TPR活动练习并应用所学的词汇,并用This is 介绍自己的身体各部位。二、教学目标(从学段课程标准中找到要求,并具体化为本节课的具体要求,明晰(学生懂)、具体、可操作、可以依据练习测试题)重点及难点(说明本课题的重难点)Teaching objectives:1.Knowledge aims:a.学生能听、说、认读6个有关身体的词汇:body, leg, arm, hand, head,foot,并听懂、理解句子This is the body/ the leg…;并在实际情景中运用它去介绍身体各部位。b.能听懂指令语,并能根据指令语做出相应的动作。2. Ability aims: Develop students’ oral expressing ability and their quick response.3.Emotion ability:To educate students to cherish their lives and learn to love the life they have.Key points: Grasp three-skilled words : body, leg, arm, hand, head,foot.Difficult points:The pronunciation of “head”and ”hand”.三、学习者特征分析(学生对预备知识的掌握了解情况,学生在新课的学习方法的掌握情况,如何设计预习)Ss in grade 3 are new learners. They are curious about English and eager to learn. However, their English is poor and they are easier to forget how to pronounce the words. So lots of practices about the pronunciation needs to be done. Mechanical practice is boring , so different games are designed to fix it.四、教学过程(设计本课的学习环节,明确各环节的子目标)教师活动预设学生活动设计意图Step 1 warm up1.let’s sing.Ss and teacher sing the song “Hello” together.2. Free talk . T: Good morning.Ss: … T: What’s your name?Ss: … T: How are you?Ss: …Singing the song can make Ss relaxed and excite their passion for speaking English.Free talk can arouse their memory for what they have learned and make preparations for this lesson.Step 2: presentationPlay the PPt, show the picture of the heads of “huitailang” and “Santa Claus”. Then teach the new word “head”(read it for several times) and write it down in the blackboard. (pay attention to how to write it in the English exercise book)Teach the new word “hand” in the same way. Then read those 2 words in groups. And tell ss the difference of their pronunciationShow the pictures of “ arm ,leg, body , foot” respectively. And read tho


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