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美国教师课堂行为管理小窍门儿 虽然并非绝妙好招,但至少值得我们了解,而且有很多也值得我们尝试,如果我们没有这样做的话。 From 500 teaching tips for really good teachers 1. “Take time to establish expectations and routines in the classroom. This will help everything else fall into place.” –Margaret Alfaro 2. “Go slowly in the beginning of the year so you can go faster later on. Take the time to teach and re-teach all those procedures and expectations (multiple times) in the beginning, and the rest of your year will go much more smoothly.” –Kris Stewart 3. “Build community in your classroom, and have high expectations of everyone, including yourself!” –Lija Rago 4. “No matter what age, treat your students as people. Don’t try to be too ‘bossy.’ I’m not saying you should be their ‘friend’—absolutely not! But if you treat students with respect and let them see that you’re not perfect, you’ll be amazed at what you can get them to do.” –Susan Flynn 5. “It’s far more productive to praise the student who is doing the right thing than to correct the one(s) who aren’t. It also leads to a much happier atmosphere in the classroom. This is simple to say, but more difficult to consistently do.” –Judy Rachow 6. “Allow movement and talk time with your students each day. They will respect the time when they need to be quiet more if they know they can get their wiggle/talk time in.” –Michelle Maddox 7. “Establish the rules the first day, and stick to them.” –Tara Young 8. “I teach middle school, and my best advice is to treat them like they are adults and not children. I have gotten the best responses from students who tell me they appreciate not being talked to like they are still a little kid.” –Amy Fisher 9. “Take a few minutes to check out the Whole Brain Teaching Web site. Just watch a video or two. It has changed my teaching world!” –Christen Stokely 10. “If you take time to teach routines and procedures at the beginning, there will be good classroom management and fewer behavior problems.” –Angelica Siller 11. “Remember that all kids’ b


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