第3章 经销合同.ppt

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第3章 经销合同

第三章 经销合同 §1 经销概述(distributorship) 一、经销的含义与性质 经销是进口商(经销商)与出口商(供货商)达成协议,承担在规定的期限和区域内销售指定商品的一种贸易方式。 种类: 独家经销,又称为包销(exclusive sales) exclusive distributorship 一般经销,又称为定销 包销(Exclusive Sales):指出口商通过签订协议给国外销售商在一定时期、一定地区经营某一种或某一类商品的专营权利的贸易方式。 当事人关系: A 客户 经(包)销商 供货人 买卖关系 买 卖 关 系 无关 经销商 ★拥有商品的所有权 ★获得经营利润 ★经营活动过程不受或很少受供货商限制 ★与供货商责权对等 代理商 ★不拥有商品的所有权 ★赚取佣金(提成) ★经营活动受供货商指导和限制 ★供货权力较大 §2 独家经销协议 独家经销协议的写法 1、合同的首部 2、合同的主要内容: (1)委任 (2)相互关系 (3)独家经销权及对等条件 供应商必须要保障经销商的独家专营权。 (4)独家经销的商品种类、名称、规格及经销的地区和期限 (5)信息沟通和市场推广。 明确经销商的职责:独家经销商应提供售后服务,市场情报,宣传服务。 (6)关于合同的终止 Article 2 Privity The relationship hereby established between Supplier and Distributor, during the effective period of this Agreement, shall be solely that of Seller and Buyer, and Distributor shall under no circumstances be considered to be the agent or legal representative of Supplier for any purpose whatsoever and shall have no right or authority to create or assume any obligation or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied, in the name of or on behalf of Supplier. Article 5 Prohibition of Competitive Transaction In consideration of the exclusive right herein granted, Supplier shall in no way directly or indirectly sell or export Products to Territory through any other channel than Distributor and Distributor shall in no way sell or promote the sale in Territory, directly or indirectly, of any products which are of the same kind as, similar to or competitive with Products and shall in no way make any purchase of such products without the prior written consent of Supplier during the effective period of this Agreement. Article 6 Prohibition of Re-export Distributor shall sell Products only in Territory and shall not, directly or indirectly, resell or re-export Products to any place or country outside Territory, nor shall resell Products to any other person, firm or corporation in Territory, whom Distributor, to the best of his know


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