Two- side Market 双边市场.ppt

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Two- side Market 双边市场

G5 group Subsidize to consumer Two factors consumer sensitivity to price is high consumer strongly demands quality Charge to producer Agency fees for hotel reservation Agency fees for air ticket reservation Tourism products agency fees Corporate travel service fees Online advertising fees Low price hotel Cheap flights tickets Cheap tours tickets Hotel orders with cash coupons Flights ticket orders with cash coupons Points redeem Pricing strategies G5 group Fighting strategies Tourism products should pay for the agency fees More consumer will bring scale value All the platform are similar The market will be served by one platform Advantage Hold the Market First Mover High expectations generate momentum Deep pockets matter G5 group Enveloping strategies Integrate the air ticker’s booking , hotel reservation and travel counseling businesses CASE 2: WeChat Banking G5 group The New Way To Connect G5 group WeChat Features G5 group Bank Individual customers Platform WeChat Banking G5 group Ability to capture cross-side network effects Achieve the cross-side network effects The real secret of success is not to buy the monetary fund The real secret of success is the application of technological innovation, customers can realize at the time of shopping as a automatic redemptions User sensitivity to price In just four months, the scale broke the 100 billion Alipay users are very sensitive to price, especially Taobao users even to snap up all night The current interest rate now is 0.35%, while the product is more than 5.2%, up to 14.8times The Reasons For The Success Of The Product G5 group G5 group STRATEGIES FOR TWO – SIDE MARKETS G5 group What is the two-side markets Challenge 1: Pricing the Platform Challenge 2: Winner-Take-All Dynamics Challenge 3: The Threat of Envelopment Case Analysis G5 group What is the Two-Side Markets G5 group Development Definition Producer Consumer Market Cost Revenue One-Side Market Producer Consumer Platforms Market Cost


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