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Table tennis roller-skate vi. 溜旱冰 Don’t roller-skate on the road. roller skating n. [u] 溜旱冰 ● go roller-skating 去溜旱冰 just now 刚才 I did my homework just now. 我刚才做了我的家庭作业。 just now常与过去式连用 a moment ago 刚才 yesterday 1). ad. 在昨天 It was very cold yesterday. ??? 昨天天气很冷。 2). n. [u] 昨天 Yesterday was Friday. ? 昨天是星期五 What did you do yesterday morning? ????昨天早上你做了什么? 昨天晚上/ 昨天下午/昨天中午 during prep. 在…期间 Jack joined the summer camp during the holidays . 在假日期间,杰克加入了夏令营。 ● during the day 在白天 ● during the holiday 在假期期间 ● during the weekend 在周末期间 ● during one’s stay in… 在某人逗留…期间 e.g. I visited the Great Wall during my stay in Beijing. ??????我在北京逗留期间,参观了长城。 break 1). n. [c] 休息;暂停 We played games during the break. ??? 我们在休息期间玩游戏。 2). vt. 打破;打断;违反( broke,broken ) Don’t break the rules. 不要犯规。 ● The boy broke the vase.   这男孩打破了花瓶。 搭配:the break of a PE class 体育课课间休息 have a break= have a rest 休息一下  ?????Let’s have a break. ever ad. 曾经; 以前 Did you ever see him? 你以前看到过他吗? 反义词: never 从未 e.g. I have never been to London. 我从未去过伦敦。(现在完成时) team n. [c] 队;组 We are in the same team. 我们在同一小组。 on the school football team 在校足球队 ?Jack is on the school football team.   ?杰克是在学校足球队。 team sports 团体运动 team work 团队合作 primary a. 小学的;初等的;主要的 小学 :primary school = elementary school e.g. We were good friends at primary school. ????? 我们在小学时是好朋友。 primary education 初等教育 junior high school 初中 senior high school 高中 no wonder 不足为奇;难怪 wonder n. [c] 奇迹  ● No wonder you like spicy food . ???????难怪你喜欢吃辣。  ● No wonder he left in such a hurry.   ?难怪他这样匆匆离去了。 e.g. There are seven wonders in the world. 世界上有七大奇迹。 wonderful a. 精彩的 sportsman n. [c] 运动员 Yao Ming is a famous sportsman in the world. 姚明是一位世界上著名的运动员。 复数 sportsmen sportswoman 女运动员 复数 sportswomen He spent a lot of time playing all kinds of ball games. kind n. a. 1). n. [c] 种; 类 a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种 (


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