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高中生物辅导网/ PART A Cell Biology (14 questions, 20 points). A1. (1 point). List the following proteins in the order of decreasing evolutionary 请按照下列蛋白质一级结构在演化上的保守程度,由大至小排列。 conservativeness of their primary structure: 1. Somatotropin. 生长激素 2. Catalytic subunit of a DNA – polymerase. DNA 聚合酶的催化单位 3. Histone H1. 组蛋白H1 4. Protamines (storage proteins of cereals). 精蛋白(谷类的储存蛋白) А. 1, 4, 3, 2. B. 2, 3, 1, 4. C. 3, 2, 1, 4. D. 4, 1, 2, 3. E. 1, 2, 3, 4. A2. (1 point). What is the common feature of amino acids encoded by codons ХUХ, where Х – 下列何者是由密码子ХUХ 所代表的胺基酸的共同特征,其中X 可代表任一种 is any base, U – uracil? 含氮碱基,U 代表脲嘧啶 А. Hydrophobicity. 厌水性 B. Positive charge. 带正电荷 C. Negative charge. 带负电荷 D. Sulfur in the side chain. 侧链中含硫 E. No common feature. 无共同特征 A3. (1 point). A denatured polypeptide chain containing amino acids of different chemical 下图为一条变性后的多肽链,其中各组成胺基酸的化学特性叙述如下表 properties is shown on the figure. E F A B D C Amino acid properties: A E: Have negatively charged side B: With many electropositive atoms. groups. 含大量带正电的原子 含带负电荷的侧基 C F: Have hydrophobic side groups. D: With many electronegative atoms. 含厌水性的侧基 含大量带负电的原子 京翰教育中心/ 2 If renatured, the most stable configuration of the above polypeptide in the cytoplasmic environment 下列何者将会是前述多肽链在细胞质中复原(re-nature)后,最稳定的结构? will be: A E A E F A. B


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