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554 国际妇产科学杂志2011 年12 月第38 卷第6 期 J Int Obstet Gynecol December 20 11 Vol. 38 No. 6 综 述 宫内膜间质肉瘤的研究进展 婷婷综述 林仲秋吟 张丙忠审校 揖 要铱 子宫内膜间质肉瘤是一种来源于间叶组织的子宫肉瘤 其肿瘤细胞形似正常增殖期子宫内膜间 质细胞 分为低度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤尧高度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤以及子宫外内膜间质肉瘤遥 子宫内膜间质 肉瘤早期即可能发生浸润和转移 因此早期发现尧早期诊断和早期治疗对于本病具有重要的意义遥 但由于子宫内 膜间质肉瘤组织细胞具有多分化潜能 镜下表现形式复杂多样 临床症状往往缺乏特异性 误诊率和漏诊率都非 常高遥 单凭临床表现和组织形态学往往较难正确诊断 因此需要对其进行全面的了解遥 揖关键词铱 肉瘤 子宫内膜间质曰 子宫内膜间质细胞瘤曰 误诊曰 受体 雌激素曰 受体 孕酮 The Progress of Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma YA O Ting-ting LIN Zhong-q iu ZHA NG Bing-z hong. Dep artment of Obs tetrics and Gynecology the Second Affili ated Hosp ital of SUN Yat-s en Unive rs ity Guangz hou 510120 China Corresp onding author 院LIN Zhong-q iu E-mail 院linz hongq 揖Abstract 铱 Endometrial stromal sarcoma is origin from the mesenchymal tissue of uterine sarcoma. The cells of it resemble normal endometrial stromal cells in proliferative stage with strong invasiveness. It can be divided into three kinds including of low grade malignant endometrial stromal sarcoma high grade malignant endometrial stromal sarcoma and extrauterine endometrial stromal sarcoma. Therefore early diagnosis and treatment is very important. However endometrial stromal sarcoma cells with multiple differentiation potential endoscopic manifestations of complex and diverse often lack the specificity of clinical symptoms. The rates of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis are very high. It is necessary to under鄄 stand the endometrial stromal sarcoma comprehensively. 揖Key words 铱 Sarcoma endometrial stromal 曰 Endometrial stromal tumors 曰 Diagnostic errors 曰 Receptors estrogen 曰 Receptors progesterone


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