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居 居 间间 合合 同同 居居 间间 合合 同同 Brokerage Contract 甲方Party A:___________________________ 法定代表人/委托代理人:______________(身份证/护照号码:______________) Legal Representative/Authorised Representative: (ID/Passport NO.: ) 地址 Address:_____________________ 电话Telephone:___________________________ 乙方: Party B: 法定代表人/委托代理人:______________(身份证/护照号码:______________) Legal Representative/Authorised Representative: (ID/Passport NO.: ) 地址 Address:___________________________ 电话Telephone:___________________________ 甲乙双方经友好协商,本着平等、自愿、诚实信用的原则,就甲方委托乙方代理 转让土地使用权之相关事宜达成如下协议,以资共同恪守遵行。 According to the rules of equality, voluntariness and good faith, both parties of this contract agreed the following issues relating to Party A authorised Party B to find the buyer in the land-use-right transfer: 第一条第一条 被转让地块情况概述 第一条第一条 Clause 1, the outline of the transferred site 甲方委托乙方转让土地使用权之地块的基本情况如下: The basic situations of the site which Party A authorised Party B to transfer the land-use-right are the following: 1.1 甲方为该地块的所有权人,土地所有权证号为______________________; 1.1 Party A is the landowner of the site, the number of the land-use-right certificate is: 1.2 该地块位于___________________; 1.2 the site is located in 1.3 该地块的面积为___________________。 1.3 the size of the site is 上述相关信息由甲方提供,甲方应保证相关信息的准确性、真实性。 The aforesaid information is provided by Party A, and Party A promised that all the information it provided is accurate and true. 第二条第二条 签订本协议时,甲方须向乙方提供如下证件、证书等资料:企业法人营业 第二条第二条 执照、法定代表人身份证明文件、授权委托书、法定代表人/委托代理人的身份证/护 照、土地使用权证书、土地使用权共有人同意出售的证明。 Clause 2. Party A shall provide the following certificate and proof at the time of signing this contract: Business licence, legal representative certificate, letter of authorisation, ID card or pass


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