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摘要改革开放以后,随着我国经济的腾飞,交通事业取得长足的进步。近十年来,我国机动车保有量成倍增加,虽然公路通车里程不断增加,但仍然不能满足车辆通行需要,交通拥挤、交通事故频发,交通安全状况不断恶化,造成巨大的人员和财产损失,道路交通安全成为影响交通事业发展的瓶颈。道路交通安全评价是道路交通安全研究中的重要内容,主要根据道路运行的情况和过去的数据统计来分析道路的安全状况,评定道路的安全等级,找出安全度低的道路并适当采取安全措施,其在减少道路交通事故、提高道路安全水平上有重要的意义,一直被各国重视。通过分析我国道路安全现状,找出影响交通安全的因素,主要从人、车、路这个交通系统入手,对影响道路安全的因素都予以考虑。通过对影响道路交通安全因素的分析,把影响道路交通安全的因素分解为若干指标,根据若干指标建立三级评价指标体系。本文介绍了国内外道路安全评价的研究现状并详细介绍了四元评价方法(DHGF)及其基本步骤,并把此方法应用于兰州安宁区建宁东路的交通安全等级评价,客观反映了被评价对象的交通安全状况。关键词:道路交通安全;影响因素;安全评价;四元评价模型(DHGF)AbstractAfter the reform and opening up, as Chinas economic development, transportation industry has made great progress. In the past ten years, the number of vehicles in our country increased exponentially, while highway mileage is increasing, but still can not meet the needs of traffic, traffic congestion, traffic accidents, traffic safety situation continued to deteriorate, causing huge casualties and the loss of property, road traffic safety becomes a bottleneck of the development of traffic. The road traffic safety evaluation is an important content in the study of road safety, according to the main road running situation and past statistics to analyze the road safety situation, safety evaluation of road safety, to find out the low degree of road and take appropriate safety measures and in the reduction of road traffic accidents, it is important to improve road safety level, has been national attention.Through analysis of the status of Chinas road safety, find out the factors influencing the traffic safety, mainly from the people, cars, the road traffic system of, the factors of affecting road safety should be taken into account. Through analysis of the factors of the road traffic safety, the influence road traffic security factors decomposition of a number of indicators, three levels of evaluation index system is established according to a number of indicators.Is introduced in this paper the research status of domestic and international road safety evaluation (DHGF )method and its basi


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