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17 72 2008 6 V ol. 17 Sum N o. 72 JOURNAL O F GUANGDONG RAD OI TV UN VI ERS TI Y N o. 6. 2008 T he Characters and ts Operat on of Const tut onal Interpretat on 龙世发 LON G Sh - fa ( 茂名广播电视大学, 广东茂名, 525000) (M aom ing R ad io and TV Un ivers ity, M aom ing, Guangdong, Ch ina, 525000) 鉴于宪法解释的必要性和重要性, 我 应当重视对其特征的研究宪法解释的特征主要包括围绕宪法规 范由专门机构或法官操作涉及重大利害博弈以及追求宪法原意等方面这些静态的特征对宪法解释的具体动态运行 有着重要影响, 在运用文义解释历史解释等方法时, 需要注意与以上特征向对照 宪法解释; 法律解释; 法律方法; 历史解释 DF 2 A 100 8- 9764 ( 2008) 06- 0034 - 04 A bstrac t: In l ght of the necess ty and m po rtance o f const tut onal nterpretat on, w e shou ld take ts characters ser ou sly. T he characters nclude the follow ngs: standard zat on of the const tut ona l norm s, operat on by spec al nst tut ons o r judg es, etc. , w h ch has n fluenced the operat on o f nst tut ona l nterpretat on. R efe rences sha ll be m ade to the above character st cs w hen do ng nterpret ng through h stor ca lm eans. K ey w ord s: const tut onal nte rpre tat on; leg al nte rpre tat on; leg alm e thod; h sto r cal means o f nterpreta t on [ 1] , , , , ∀ , # , , ,


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