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第65 卷 第7 期 化 工 学 报 Vol.65 No.7 2014 年7 月 CIESC Journal July 2014 氧热法电石生产技术研发进展 王仁醒,纪雷鸣,刘清雅,郑丹星,刘辉,刘振宇 (北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室,北京 100029 ) 摘要:电石是一种重要的由煤生产纯化学品的中间产物,一百多年来由电弧法生产,耗电量很大,从燃煤发电算 起,能耗很高。为了降低能耗,国内外很早就开始研发以含碳原料与氧气反应供热的氧热法技术。简要介绍了过 去中试研发的几个氧热法技术及其存在问题,较为详细地介绍了近年来我国在电石生产反应器开发、基本化学反 应和反应工程规律认识等方面的进展,重点展示了对电石生成反应机理的认识以及原料性质、形貌、传质、灰分 等对反应的影响,整体工艺能效衡算等方面的特征。 关键词:电石;氧热法;电弧炉法 DOI :10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2014.07.003 中图分类号:TQ 161 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0438—1157 (2014 )07—2417—09 Development of auto-thermal production of calcium carbide WANG Renxing, JI Leiming, LIU Qingya, ZHENG Danxing, LIU Hui, LIU Zhenyu (State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China ) Abstract: Calcium carbide is an important platform chemical for production of pure chemicals and polymers from coal. Production of calcium carbide adopted in the past century relies on electric-arc heating, which is energy intensive particularly when power is generated from combustion of coal. To avoid energy loss in power generation, auto-thermal calcium carbide production processes have been developed and tested at scale up to pilot plant or industrial demonstration. This paper introduces features of these processes and shows recent developments in China in terms of fundamental aspects of the process, including reactors, reaction mechanism and kinetics, effects of feeds properties, mass transfer and phase change on the reaction, as well as system integration and analysis. Key words: calcium carbide; oxygen-thermal; electric arc furnace


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