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香港特別行政l政府 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Adminisírative Region 房屋及規畫.~地政局 Housing , Planning and Lands Bureau 香港花園道美利大廈 Murray BuiIding, Garden Road, Hong Kong By Fax By Post 本局檔號。ur Ref 來已檔號 Your Ref. HPLB(P) 50/02/63 21 April 2005 Ms Christine Loh Chairperson Society for Protection of the Harbour Lirnited Roorn 602 , Hoseinee House , 69 Wyndharn Street Central , Hong Kong (Fax No.: 3101 9339) Dear Ms Loh , The Adventure ofVictoria (維多利亞歷險記) 1refer to the story book entitled “ The Adventure 01 Victoriα( 1維多利亞 歷險記J ) published by the Society for Protection ofthe Harbour Lirnited , which is meant for wide distribution in Hong Kong. While we appreciate your intention in educating children on the need to protect the Victoria Harbour through this publication , 1 hope you would agree with us that young readers should be provided with correct facts and figures about the Harbour. Hence , it is irnportant to ensure that the books rnessages and contents are accurate. We notice that the story book covers a nurnber of issues related to harbour reclarnation. A nurnber of rnessages therein , however , do not tally with the facts. In thjs regard , we feel obliged to put on record the facts and draw to your attention. Our cornrnents are atta


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