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* * 端口扫描方式(3) TCP FIN扫描 有些防火墙能检测到SYN扫描,而FIN数据包没有这些麻烦 原理:如果端口关闭,则用适当的RST回复FIN数据包,如果端口打开,则忽略对FIN数据包的回复 缺点:该方法和系统实现有一定的关系,不一定所有系统都有效 在区分UNIX和NT时,十分有用 * * 端口扫描方式(4) IP分片扫描 TCP反向ident扫描 FTP返回扫描 UDP ICMP端口不能到达扫描 …… * * 查点 查点:从系统中抽取有效帐号或到处资源名的过程 查点技巧差不多都是特定于操作系统的,查点的信息类型大致分为三类: 用户和用户组 Finger,Ruser …… 网络资源和共享资源 空会话,Netbios …… 服务器程序及其旗标 Telnet, Netcat 注:旗标指软件名和版本号 * * 免费扫描工具 Nessus Nmap NSS SATAN X-Scan * * 常见的商业产品 ISS的扫描产品 系统扫描器 数据库扫描器 互联网扫描器 Cisco的Secure Scanner 绿盟的RSAS * * The End 问题? * 随机数的产生,讲解rand()函数的使用,其实并不能真正产生随机数。在一些在线赌场程序中,曾经出现随机数的错误 * 所谓vpn,就是虚拟私有网络。这里说的vpn,是利用Internet,来组建企业自己的网络,实现异地组网。更加通俗的话说,假如有一家公司,在北京有一个总部,上海有一个分公司,都有局域网,都通过Internet上网。通过vpn技术,在上海局域网的用户,可以通过网上邻居访问北京的服务器。感觉和在本地一样。 想起来多么美妙,仅仅使用普通的adsl,居然就能够象以前ddn专线一样联网。要知道,租用ddn专线连接上海北京,是非常昂贵的。而租用adsl,其成本对企业而言几乎可以忽略不计。 * What does a typical attack look like if we break it down into phases? Phase I: Discovering and Mapping the network Phase II: Attempting perimeter penetration Phase III: Attacking the resources Phases 1 and 2 are best managed with network based IDS. Phase 3, where the companies most valuable assets are, it’s information/data, can only be addressed by host based IDS. Focus on the importance of the organization protecting it’s data. It’s important to note that for those prospective clients who are familiar with IDS, the majority of them are most familiar (or only familiar) with network based IDS. While network based IDS is perceived to be easier and less costly to deploy it only addresses Phases 1 and 2. Additionally, NIDS (network IDS) is our main competitors, ISS (Internet Security Systems), market share stronghold. Leading with NIDS and not convincing prospects of the importance of host-based IDS will make for an extremely difficult sales cycle. Change the rules of the game and convince prospective clients of the importance of host IDS. Symantec’s Intruder Alert product is virtually unbeatable in this space. If you attempt to compete against ISS on a pure network IDS ba


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