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READING SKILLS 阅读技巧  You Make the Difference 阅读习惯的改进  Be an Effective Reader 成为高效率的读者  Weekly Reading Plan 周阅读计划  High Concentration Positive Attitude 全神贯注,态度积极  Be Confident 保持自信  Desire for Knowledge 培养求知欲  Complete Structure 完善知识结构  Be a Positive Reader 积极主动地阅读  Be Flexible 采用灵活的阅读速度  Review 复习  The Importance of Review and the Procedures 预览的重要性和步骤  Building Vocabulary through Context and Structure 通过文意和构词法学单词  Types of Words 几种词汇类型  Informal and Formal Vocabulary 口头词汇与正规词汇的比较  Phases of Learning Vocabulary 词汇学习的不同阶段  Expand Your Vocabulary 词汇扩充  Skills of Expanding Vocabulary 扩充词汇的技巧 1) Learn through Context 联系上下文—扩充词汇的得力方法 2) Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots 单词结构的运用  Ways of Memorize Vocabulary 词汇记忆的技法  Personal Word Bank 个人词库  Word Table on Computer 计算机个人词汇表  Techniques of Studying Vocabulary 1) Imagination 想象和联想 2) Visualization 形象化和联想法练习 3) Drawing 在词汇卡上画出词义表达简图  Etymology 词源  Acronym 首字母缩写词  Review 复习  Dictionary 学用字典  Head Words 引导词  Phonetics 音标例释  The Definition You Want 找出准确的词义  Words with Suffix 字典里带后缀的单词  Thesaurus 同义词和反义词词汇集  Figurative Language 修饰语言  Review 复习  From Sentence to Paragraph to the Main Idea: Steps to Eliminate Problems in Comprehension 排除阅读理解障碍:由句、段到主旨  Relations between Sentences 句子之间的关系 1) Troublesome Sentences 哪些句子会造成理解困难? 2) Reading Troublesome Sentences 阅读难句 3) Punctuation Marks Help 借助标点理解句子  The Differences between Topic and Main Idea 主题和中心思想的区别  Supporting Sentences 借助论据揭示主题  Main Idea 确定段落的中心思想 1) Strategies 确定中心思想的策略 2) The Sentences that Reveal Main Idea 找出表达中心思想的句子 3) Implied Main Idea 领会隐含的中心思想  Major Details Minor Details 主要细节和次要细节  Main Idea of Novels 关于


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