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过去我们总是…… 翻译 国内的考试题 假设你是李华,作为选派的交流生在美国某中学学习了一年,寄住在Mr.Brown家里,刚回到国内,给他写了一封信,内容为 帮助寄回忘带回的字典; 感谢在美国期间他所提供的帮助; 邀请他到中国旅游。 要求字数不少于80字 表达下面这句话 越来越多的孩子患有网瘾,分数下降得厉害,身心健康也受到危害。 More and more children become addicted to the internet, resulting in falling grades and poor physical and mental condition. More and more children spend too much time on surfing on line. As a result, they are no longer willing to spend their time on study and sports. 表达下面这句话 学习艺术可以陶冶情操 Appreciating arts and music is a character education. Appreciating arts and music helps students mold and shape their characters. Appreciating arts and music teaches values and virtues. 写作是表达而不是翻译 无处不在 坏电影害人; 孩子们受够了坏电影; 孩子们饱受坏电影之苦; 烂片大行其道,孩子不堪其扰; 坏电影让孩子生活在水深火热之中 suffer Children suffer from bad movies. Children suffer a lot from those improper movies. Children suffer a lot from the flood/inundation of improper movies. 考砸了,我想死的心都有了; I suffer a lot from the low grade in my last exam; 你这馊主意会害人不浅; People will suffer a lot from your bad idea. 你磨磨唧唧的,搞死我了都; I suffer a lot from your delayed decision. 倩女幽魂 Beautiful girl, lingering soul. A Chinese Ghost Story 满城尽带黄金甲 The city is full of golden armor. The curse of golden flower. 十面埋伏 Ten face ambush The house of flying dagger 仙剑奇侠传 Immortal sword and strange hero legend The legend of the swordman How to train a dragon? 怎样训练一只龙呢? 驯龙高手 We do chicken right! 我们…… 烹鸡美味,尽在肯德基! 语法错误 There are three evidences support my opinion. Big company is good for people. Because they can learn more knowledge. Dinosaurs have extincted. 审题8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should focus its budgets more on art museums and concert halls than recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds. 政府应该花更多的钱在艺术馆音乐厅而不是在休闲场所比如游泳池和操场吗? 拆分举例 拆分举例通常用在比较抽象的题目中 判断方法一:题目中出现了定义不明确的概念,比如happiness, success, too much等等; 判断方法二:题目的范围比万金由某一个分项更为狭窄; 考场上我们的原则是:万金由解不了就拆! 主题句要求6 若干主题句之间要平行; 包含不行; 因果不行。 写背景的方法 利弊类:指出题给proposal背后的现象; Should people pay for public transportation? Bus an


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