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中 国·长白山 靖宇矿泉城 吉林靖宇经济开发区管理委员会 联系方式商务电话) Email: jykfqkqb@163.com General Situation of Nature 自 然 状 况 靖宇县位于吉林省东南部,长白山西麓,松花江上游,东经126°30’--127°16’,北纬42°06’--42°48’。东邻抚松,南接江源,西靠辉南、柳河,北与桦甸接壤,幅员3094.4平方公里,总人口14.8万人。我县已科学规划形成“一横、二纵、三出口”的铁路和公路交通网络。宇辉铁路,靖白、靖姜公路穿县而过,北连朝长公路,交通十分便利。靖宇县生态系统完整,火山地貌奇特壮观,自然资源丰美富饶,得天独厚的自然地质条件和地理位置为靖宇提供了质优量丰的天然矿泉水资源,已发现天然涌泉47处,日涌水量达15.1万吨。靖宇矿泉水更以其储量丰富、类型多样、口感纯正、环境优越,被国家饮用天然矿泉水技术评审组认定为“目前国内外稀有罕见的高品质天然矿泉水”;靖宇县被中国矿业联合会矿泉水专业委员会命名为“中国长白山靖宇矿泉城”;被国际饮水组织确定为“长白山天然矿泉可持续发展基地”。 Jingyu County is located in the southeast of Jilin Province, the west foot of Changbai Mountain, the upper reaches of Songhua River with east longitude 126°30’-127°16’ and north latitude 42°06’-42°48’, east to Fusong, south to Jiangyuan, west to Huinan and Liuhe and the north is Huadian. The area is 3094.4 square kilometers, and the general population is 148,000. We have scientifically planned and formed the railroad and highway of “two ways crisscross with three exports”. Jing-bai and Jing-jiang road pass through the county, connecting with Chao-chang road in the north. The traffic is very convenient. Due to the complete ecological system, peculiar and splendid volcanic physiognomy, and lush and rich natural resources, especially the advantaged geographical conditions and physiographic situation, Jingyu County has abundant and high-quality natural mineral water resources. There are 47 mineral water springs found in the area, and the general flow rate is 151,000 tons per day. Jingyu County is cognized as “high-quality natural mineral water that is peculiar in domestic and foreign area at present” by National Natural Mineral Water Technical Assessment Group, due to the abundant reserves, various types, sterling taste and predominant environment; it is also named “China Changbai Mountain Jingyu Mineral Spring City” by the national mining industry union mineral spring water special committee; and is retified as “Changbai Mountain Natural Spring Developing Base” by the Intern


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