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Pharmaceutical Administration 药事管理 我院药品不良反应监测与上报工作管理体系建立实践 沈冬梅,代晶 江西省九江市第一人民医院药学部,332000 [摘要] 目的:通过实践探索医疗机构药品不良反应监测与上报管理体系的建设。方法:通过设立专门机构,制定药品不良反 应监测与报告制度,明确规范操作流程,细化考核指标,建立奖惩制度并纳入医疗质控体系建立了我院不良反应监测与上报 工作管理体系。并通过加强培训与宣教、在电子病历中建立完善了HIS系统同步的药品不良反应直报系统、临床药师分片区管 理、多部门协作等有力措施保障了ADR监测与上报工作的有效运行。结果:ADR报告数量与质量大幅提升,报告数量和报告 科室分别由管理体系建立前37例,共19个临床科室,到建立后224例,共41个科室,报告数同比增长达505.4% ,报告科室同比 增长115.8%;院药品不良反应监测与上报工作管理体系的建立,健全了医院药品安全应急管理体系。结论:我院药品不良反 应监测与上报工作管理体系的建立,提高了ADR监测与上报工作管理水平。 [关键词] 药品不良反应; 监测上报; 管理体系; 建立实践 [中图分类号] R96  [文献标识码] A  [文章编号] 1672-2809(2015)24-0033-04  Establishment the Monitoring and Reporting system of Adverse Drug Reactions in our Hospital Shen Dong-mei, Dai Jing Department of pharmacy, Jiujiang First Peoples Hospital, Jiangxi, 332000 [Abstract] Objective: To explore the construction method of ADR monitoring and reporting management system of medical institutions through the establishment of specialized agencies, to establish the monitoring and reporting system for adverse drug reactions, to clear the operation process, refine the evaluation index, establish the system of rewards and punishment, and set up the system of medical quality control. And through strengthening the training and education, in the electronic medical records to establish the HIS system to improve the synchronization of adverse drug reaction reporting system, clinical pharmacists to sub area management, multi sectoral collaboration and other powerful measures to ensure the effective operation of the ADR monitoring and reporting. Results: The number and quality of ADR report were greatly improved, the number and report department were established by the management system of 37 cases, a total of 19 clinical departments, 224 cases, a total of 41 departments, the number of reports increased by 505.4%, the reporting Department grew 115.8%; the hospital drug adverse reaction monitoring and reporting manageme


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